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Von Düsseldorf nach köln?
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Not at all.
I have been in possession of an annual ticket paid by the employer for a few years (i.e. all over Hesse), which is currently explicitly considered to be a “9 Euro Ticket” nationwide, but I have not used this since 01.06.
Reason: No desire for the currently crowded buses and trains.
Luckily you can do everything with the bike anyway and I always take the car for further routes anyway.
From 01.09., once again “Ruhe” is, I will use my annual ticket more often than I did before the introduction of the 9 Euro tickets.
From Magdeburg to Sebnitz are 300km to Dolny (50ct) making another 5.
I usually use the 9-Euro ticket only in my city for the bus. But I also drove a few times by train to my friend who doesn’t live here.
Hi, acquisition rule165.
I didn’t have this 9-euro ticket, and I didn’t make a trip by train or the like at that time.
Greetings, Renate.
Hi, acquisition rule165. Thank you for your review.
By train from Rheinbach to Bonn with my friend and took advantage of the ticket in Bonn. They drove by bus and U train. Otherwise only by bus in my city, as I depend on public transport. Next week I wanted to visit my friend. The route would be about 70 to 80 km. The single ticket would otherwise cost 11,90 euros.
This has not been rewarded for me, for which I am driving too little with the German railway.
I don’t have the ticket.
Don’t. Drive car.
I don’t have a 9 Euro ticket, so I can’t say anything about it.
Daily 15km.
to work <--> home
From NRW to Thuringia and back.
Have one because included in the normal ticket, but did not make extra trips.
Drive a car
with the 9 euro ticket owned well over 500km, about 1300km
Salzburg — Kassel I think about 600 km. Everything worked, with some changeovers.
From Leipzig to Lake Constance.
I don’t have one because I don’t need it.
The G+B
so it is
Me neither. 😅