Was war euer erstes Auto ( Marke ) und wie lange habt ihr es gefahren?
Welches war euer erstes Auto ? Wann habt ihr es gekauft und ward ihr damit zufrieden ?
Welches war euer erstes Auto ? Wann habt ihr es gekauft und ward ihr damit zufrieden ?
Hallo, ich möchte meine derzeit abgemeldetes Auto (deutscher KFZ-Brief, ich bin Deutscher) auf einem Anhänger von der Schweiz über die Grenze zu einem deutschen TÜV bringen und dann wieder zurück in die Schweiz bringen. Gibt es beim Zoll etwas zu beachten ? Ist ja eigentlich wie rein und raus fahren, nur ohne Nummernschilder.
Wir wollen einen gebrauchten bmw 318i touring probe fahren der wird aber gerade repariert (hinterachs differenzial) da wir uns absolut nicht auskennen mit autos, ist das irgendwie ein schlechtes zeichen? fahrzeug ist 2. Hand, Erstzulassung 2011 , 127.000 km, Tüv neu, und kostet nach der reperatur 8000€
Hallo zusammen ich habe mir schon einige Meinungen in verschiedenen Foren für den Golf 1.4 TSI mit 170 PS angesehen. Jetzt habe ich zwei verschiedene im Blick: den 1.4 TSI GT mit 170 PS, Baujahr 2006 mit 130.000km Steuerkette wurde letztes Jahr getauscht und ein neuer Turbo mit noch 1 Jahr Garantie oder 2.0 TDI…
Gibt es noch DeLoreans unter 50 tausend zu kaufen 😅 weil das schon ziemlich viel Geld ist hab auch schon mal im internet rum geschaut aber nix billigeres gefunden
Hey, ich schaue mich um für mein ersten Auto und bin auf den Ford Focus Turnier bj 2009 gestoßen ..ganz wichtig ist es, dass es ein Diesel ist.. Was sagt ihr zu dem Auto für einen Fahranfänger? zu dem bin ich auch nicht groß, nur 1,55m … könnte ich zu klein sein?
Ich kann kein Auto fahren und ihr?
in 1976, as my first car, I bought an 8-year-old VW bug with 34hp for 1000.00 DM, I loved this car was very satisfied until I was involved in an accident that I was indebted about 10 months later, and the car was a total damage, and yes – I even wounded at that time because my beautiful car was broken.
A Honda Jazz I bought in 2012. I’m very grown up with him and I still have him. Only the grate became too much and I had to put him away. I’ll get him back to the street next year through my current job. I had dangers until 2017
It was a Simca 1301 from the 1960s. He was old when I bought him and he had just over 100’000 km on the hump. All Simca specialists told me that from 100’000 km each other would have the risk of motor damage. You were right, after two weeks the engine was gone.
The next car was again a cheap Simca ruin, a 1000s with a rear motor. This engine didn’t break, before an Alfa driver shot me.
Only the next Simca, a 1200 Bertone Coupé, died again from a motor damage.
Later I changed to old Toyotas. Since then, I’ve never had any more engine damage, even though they had multiple kilometers.
with me it is a Skoda Scala model of production year 18.05.2019
since I make the L Taferl for the driving licence Class B
A 88th OPEL Cadet E CC 2 Door Special Model Miami with “Morderischer” 60 HP 🤭
White even the color number 😁 E112 platinum metallic.
The only “luxus” that the car had was a sunroof 🥳
Even though I now have a much better car with a lot of luxury and PS, I always like to think back to my first car. Would like to drive another car.
Because the first own car was just something special for me.
I bought this car in 1993 and drove almost 5 years. He was then replaced by an OPEL Calibra.
Opel Corsa about 5 years. I ordered it with 17 so I did it on my 18th. This was my biggest dream with 14 already on it I lived and saved.
Yes was satisfied with the quality of Opel reads but that one or the other time left to wish, which led to more workshop visits than I loved. Nevertheless, it was a very nice car.
A Ford Escort and I’ve been driving for 5 years, walking and caring, repainting etc.
Hold the first car;-)
My first car was a Renault R 4 with which I built a total damage after about a year by my own fault. Until then, the car has taken me reliably and without any problems everywhere. And that with 26 hp, unthinkable today.
Looks cool, even the color!
Had a suspension, as comfortable as the big Citroën, there’s hardly any vehicle running today.
Class 👍🏻 Yes, today is already a car that has under 200 hp for many underengined 🤦🏻
I’ll never understand.
But we are still the generation that knows what a choke is and how it is served 😂🥳
Fiat Panda was 10 years old, now 18 and still drive him! Was a great decision!
I’m so glad that I don’t have such a new-fashioned car with loud crap and electronics that’s always popping up! (And breaks and is therefore expensive in the workshop)
Suzuki Swift 90 hp. I found two doors very, very horny. Hstte over 3 years (was n used) never problems with
My first car was an old VW bug (1302 L). Purchased in 1983, driven well a year – then came a motor damage and I sold it. The model itself was ok, had charm and was fun. Unfortunately, only my specific copy was quite over, which I had not noticed at the time, due to lack of knowledge.
R 4, 26 hp, almost 3 years, bought in 1975.
2 CV would have preferred me, but the R4 was very quickly available after I had the FS.
But, I was happy.
I bought my first car for 40 years, a Renault Mode 1.6l. Two years I drove him and was very happy. Then my friend drove him to junk.
Peugeot 206+ my mother, still driving the bitches
Very cool. How old is he and what’s he got at the clock?
Year of manufacture 2009 (introduction year) was thus at that time a brand new car, my mother had bought it when he was 4 months old. He cracked the 84,000 mark yesterday 🙂
That’s right. Right, give him the spores.
Yes, he’s just used to short distances. By me, the now occasionally longer driving 😊
It has a positive effect on the engine, that it flows through properly during long motorway trips.
84 Tausi km. It’s almost nix.
It was a Mercedes-Benz combination with me.
An incredibly reliable car that accompanied me 300,000km.
In 1998 I bought a Opel Corsa B. Was only about half a year old with about 1400 kilometers on it. I don’t know how long I had him. Probably a few years.
VW Bulli T2.