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diesel-hydraulic series 218, and above all the 4th series
The girl for everything.
Easy to maintain, robust and reliable.
The saviors with remaining ICE trains,
and helpers for many Diesel-Electric-Zitterkists.
And they still drive….
Per se, as already said, it cannot be said in the sense. You can talk more about the Big Five. Above all, the number of vehicles and their service life are a good indicator.
That’s what I’d call the V60, who found a long time ago.
The 218 and its closer relatives, which took extensively the diesel line operation, and also the V100 and V200 in number, distribution and duration of use.
Then I would call the 111, which you never came past in travel traffic before and was basically like a Swiss pocket knife. Not necessarily THE all-purpose tool, but for all types of trains have been used
I don’t know what two locomotives you could call. Maybe the V90. But I don’t know.
Finally, it is difficult to answer because everyone is different and everyone is something else on a lok good or something else. finds bad
There are many beautiful locomotives that I am almost “grown up” and was often on the go, but ultimately this question can only answer the locomotives and the staff of the workshops.
The E 10, E 39/E 40 family (110, 139, 140).
I like the BR 101
German rail traffic has definitely shaped the BR 103, the “good old lady with the thick belly”.
Either series 01,44,45
No one can tell me anything else.
Are you sure you’re still hit by the 01.10?
If then the 01.5
The Rekolok was also good, accepted.
DB Series 218 series_218
Stands at the Railway Museum. E Lok.
The BR103, the Queen of Rails 🥰
None. They’re all not on time. 😣
🤬 is about locomotives and not about punctuality