WAs war der seltsamsten Namen, den ihr je gehört habt?
Mein war Waldemar (ungefähr 7).
Die Mutter rief Waldi, Waldi.
Das war cringe.
Getroffen beim Arzt
Mein war Waldemar (ungefähr 7).
Die Mutter rief Waldi, Waldi.
Das war cringe.
Getroffen beim Arzt
Ich habe meine Periode jetzt schon seit 2 1/2 Jahren und immer sehr starke Regelschmerzen. Ich bleibe deshalb eigentlich immer einen Tag zu Hause und leide teilweise richtige Höllenschmerzen. Ich war schon öfters bei der Frauenärztin, die konnte aber nichts feststellen. Hat mir dann immer Medikamente verschrieben, hat aber nichts gebracht. Beim letzten Termin hat…
Hallo! Ich bin heute den fünften Tag überfällig (heute ist Zyklustag 34) und ich habe daher zwei Schwangerschaftstests gemacht, welche beide negativ ausfielen. Ich habe allerdings schon seit mehreren Tagen Perioden/PMS – Symptome, aber trotzdem keine Periode – also kein Blut. Woran könnte das liegen bzw. was soll ich tun? Dankeschön!
Hallo ihr Lieben, Ich habe heute eine übergriffige Erfahrung gemacht. Kurze Erklärung: Ich bin aktuell die dritte Woche krankgeschrieben. Ich war zwei Wochen wegen zweier Sterbefälle krankgeschrieben und nun seit einer Woche wegen einer leichtgradigen depressiven Verstimmung (doe folgeschließung der Sterbefälle) – bin in Behandlung, um das Geschehene zu verarbeiten (Therapeutin, die ich selbst bezahle)….
Wir haben Letztens in der Schule ein kahoot Quiz gemacht. Dies sollten wir in 2er Teams machen.(Bio Unterricht) Namen durften wir uns selber aussuchen dürfen aber nicht beleidigend sein o.ä. Ich habe es mir einem Gemacht, der Hieß Anton. Ich heiße Simon. Und weil einer von uns der “Chef” sein Sollte (das war ich) haben…
Wollte mir eine neue Jeans holen Von der Marke LTB hab davon noch nie etwas gehört aber gut aussehen tut sie und frage mich jetzt aber ob sie gut ist und gut aussieht denn bei Zalando gibt es 2 unterschiedliche Bilder und weiß jetzt nicht wie sie dann aussehen wird. Hat die vllt jemand von…
I’ve seen a mother call her daughter Saphira
There was also a boy named Ragnar (I knew the parents)
LG. Fishing
Soon, this is similar to the Opel Zafira, a car model, and only so clumsy…
😂Yes,- really something extraordinary this first name 😂
Thanks for the star 👼LG Angel
There is nothing special —–> just as much to me: who, like me, accompanies the award of the European competition for pupils every year and gets to know the most cuddly “fantasy names” there (but there are more girls names than boys names) where you get to know who the devil has thought out or whether the Ikea catalog or the drink card of any kind of bar. Last time, the curator apologised in the forefront that he would certainly speak names wrong.
There are already creations that are at the edge of the taste limit and where one asks whether this has to be or whether the child has been done with it a favor. According to the motto “Luanara-Cherynelle”, cheesy, cliché, hard to say, sounds like invented, unharmonic.
I otherwise know of someone who wanted to call his son “Gorbatschow” and thus did not get through at the registry office, because Gorbachev was nowhere as a first name – it is a family name. I found this kind of exaggerated, but there are certainly on the other hand much worse and more preloaded names than “Gorbatschow”. I find names of celebrities and stars embarrassing; I know of one who was named Keanu after Keanu Reeves and a Leonardo who came to the world a few months after the film’s launch “Titanic” and was clearly named after Di Caprio… such a thing is always extrapeinous if one can clearly trace the name back to any celebrity that is popular at the time of birth ^^ long speech short meaning ——-> there are so many beautiful and dignified first names, since one does not have to intercede with any C-promis or short-term celebrities. The child must live with it.
On the subject of Waldemar/Waldi (Waldi was once a very popular name for smaller dogs like Dackel^) there is even a very funny song: “My Dackel Waldemar and I” by Paul Kuhn.
First names rather less, but with last names there are already a lot, from Krautwurst to Baukloh.
We lived with a rafael. Nice name.
He is called by all RAFFIs.
Not nice anymore, right?
I know Waldemar, I found it normal.
At work I often read strange names in mail traffic.
Cinderella or Mr von Kotze, for example.
Rambo Ramon Rainer, Angel, Xena, Dwight, Gandolf Merlin, Odin Jens Junior, Dragon Dinoso Degen and Hajo Donovan Benvenuto.
Ahmet, but didn’t know that this name will follow me for my life
I once knew a Euphrosine, I find this name very special.
Pimpawan and supaporn summerlatte.
How the color
Sharista very clever
The names have killed me
Waldtraut my former class teacher and juup the son of Chef the call all jupi 😂you know why who his child calls Waldemar so that everyone knows his testimony in the forest 🫠
Hello, I think that was “Dilde Dina”. Was so n child in kindergarten, so called 😵
VLG dragon nose ✨💖
Like Or
The most crazy name I heard is Lukma Eiram
Alcantara. Like the fabric for car seat covers.
Once had a nun named in a nearby monastery.
Hello, Windmondkind.😊
That was during my teaching, I still have to laugh today…
The name is BALDUR ……🙈
Greetings, Renate. 😊
I once knew a canopy and found the name a little strange.
In my home there was also a very old man called Alpha (a apparently Latin first name!). I remember that.
Thank you very much…….Alpha I can handle, but Baldur,auweia. Greetings, Renate.
Zsa Zsa
When I was in teaching, we had a botany teacher called Igerne Schöne.
I didn’t get out of what the name Igerne came from.
Are old names
Especially Corona very old…
A former neighbor here’s Polykarp.
Arndt as the first name just falls in.
Gaylord (is a real name)
Eurolind :
Leland. ☺️
A moderator named Hans Maul
I saw a 5 year old Pasival.
Actually, I met a young woman called “Adolfina”.
I didn’t know until then that there was this name at all!
So “Adolf” was known to me (of course) but “Adolfina” … < ok, wow! o_O