Was war der Arbeitsaufwand bei dir im Bachelor oder Master verglichen (Uni MINT Fächer)?

Ich im ersten Semester (Physik) und ich könnte mir z.B. persönlich schwer vorstellen bei dem jetzigen Arbeitsaufwand noch Tutor zu sein, wie es die im Master machen. Heißt das, dass Master weniger Arbeitsaufwand ist? Oder wo täusche ich mich?

Bitte gibt auch, was Ihr studiert habt. Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antworten!

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2 years ago

Bachelor was very intense and time-consuming. In part, only learned for months. In the master, much more relaxed, but I also gave myself more time in the master and made a more relaxed 6-semester master.

2 years ago

Is the question whether those who do the tutor by the way also study as a rule period. If you are exaggerated because you still have to work and so, then you have “less” academic stress.

I studied Applied Computer Science and this was relatively relaxed the first two semesters, after which there were 6-8 hours of time investment per day.