Was war das Unangenehmste Situation, in der Du einmal warst?

Was war das Schlimmste was Dir einmal gesagt wurde? Warst Du schonmal in’ner Situation gefangen, in der Du dich unwohl gefühlt hast? Was war das denn?

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2 months ago

We were in an exercise in a former mine tunnel with catastrophe protection and rescue dogs. Everything was great, educational and informative until the lamp went out because it did not load properly. You didn’t see anything at all and before me was my restless bitch, with the display of the radio (without reception) I could see something very minimal. I waited for the second team, of which I got a lamp.

I’m really not afraid of darkness, even at night in the forest or something. But for 15 minutes, deep in the earth there is nothing else to see.

But in the end a good sausage was filled with a lot of mustard, so everything was good!

I don’t feel psychologically uneasy, I don’t think about it right now.

2 months ago

There’s a lot, but in front of everything, I’ve been in my mind.

I’ve been to a therapist for anorexia.

When I spoke to him alone, he says to me (at that time strongly underweight, just starving) that he does not believe that I have an eating disorder. If you don’t look at me, I’ll take the other place.

That was too much anyway, during the night conversation with my mother next todran he thinks, yes is totally serious to take and that is already a really dangerous area. You have to intervene…

Conclusion, he told him he was in a competent @ r sloch, I stumbled out of the room and broke the door while banging 🤭

2 months ago

My Situation I once addressed a girl at school and then she told that because teacher I would not betray the names and there was a young one with me because he usually helped them because he liked them and how much ppecg should you have that was the wrong girl and the teacher further I would not say for more

2 months ago

When I was a kid, a broad guy stole my jacket and she’s dressed. Gerissen . The jacket was a gift from a person I loved so I am crying and screaming on it. The reaction of my fellow students and before all teachers was also cruel

2 months ago

My little sister found my splash with 16 and was completely on the ground.

No one from my family knew I was heroin addicted at the time.

I was so sorry to see her so sad because I sprayed heroin

2 months ago
Reply to  RheinRuhrTfFan

It’s been 15 years since. My sister’s fine, I’m fine, and I’m clean of everything for a long time. Laturation

2 months ago

With a blood pressure derailment with a blood pressure of 190/200 in the RTW with notary towards hospital