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1 month ago

I am a building cleansing specialist and was once made by two teenage girls, whom I, when I saw during the working hours, as they deliberately frightened (beautifully looked at me and grinned) politely asked to refrain from this as “Schei**drecksputze” titled.

1 month ago
Reply to  Milu2011

I almost knocked the scrubber around the ears XD

1 month ago

There have been a lot of like things in my own country over the years; there have been many degrading gestures and words over the years, but “Akademikertrottel” (the word fell exactly so… on that one must first come!) was the greatest personal insult I have ever received and the only one I have taken personally —–> above all, I did that because this word had the clear goal of hurting me personally and humiliating myself; meet me where I am most vulnerable and where it hurts most – in my work and in my career. I had to work out everything myself and had neither a daddy who accompanies me in a lesson nor a rich uncle – it hardly meant a good thing with me and it was always meant that I was only a foreigner, I was supposed to “abminate” my wishes, that I could completely forget anyway. That’s exactly why I’ve just given gas.

A few years ago, the word “Akademikertrottel” was in the context that I was “too stupid for construction and crafts,” but nevertheless good enough to land in a higher place at a publishing house. It was a mixture of envy, intolerance and contempt, it was just a common thing to be strange.

One day, I got the person who put it in the world and told her quite loosely… by the way, your academy fool wishes you a nice evening – it’s nice that you at least know how to talk about one. I’m not actually a “aftertreater”, but I couldn’t deny that. She was extremely embarrassed and I immediately noticed how I had met her, just because I knew what she said about me – but then you don’t start the stallion; You have to expect something like that to get around and one day to get where it shouldn’t be.

Otherwise, there were already all kinds of insults and degrading or simply debile and stupid spotterings over the “Ausländer-Schiene”, which were more stupid than annoying, up to unaccurate rumors or envy and all sorts of anger. It was not nice, but it was more harmless against the “Akademikertrottel”.

1 month ago

An insult associated with my then disease

1 month ago
Reply to  Milu2011

Jup, I still remember

1 month ago

Living body

Where to find eigtl creative

The worst thing that was said to me in general was that I should die

1 month ago

As a child, some kindnesses were thrown at my head by other children, most of which I forgot.

What I remember are statements like monsters or miscarriage…

1 month ago

“You’re crazy now”

“I wish I could hit you”

“I don’t want to sit next to her anymore”

A classmate

So not so bad, just a few sayings, insults never, just any sayings.

1 month ago

I can’t be insulted.

Glad with reason, old, and gender.

….and with body size, weight and hair color.

1 month ago

I wanted death or threatened with it. Everything on the Internet.

1 month ago
Reply to  Milu2011

Oh, I’ve had that before, an Albanian. He told me I’d find you and kill you, I’m waiting for him today.

1 month ago
Reply to  Milu2011

Something usually makes sick and social people. And above all those who do not think about it before. You don’t even want death to be his worst enemy.

1 month ago

In the group they feel strong, but alone, they start crying or pulling the knife because they can’t do better. These are all cowards

1 month ago

I had the same situation, too. Was not an Albanian, but also someone with a migration background. Didn’t get a visit to this day. They’re mostly just mules.

1 month ago

I’m so cold. He who wanted to kill me is in prison for a long time. That’s why he hates me because I brought him there.

1 month ago

no warning, these were so few long lyrics

met me very much at first, at some point I didn’t care

1 month ago

Dresdner clown … Learn German Small

Sad sausage

That was yesterday!!!

1 month ago

I have been getting annoyed

1 month ago
Reply to  EselEpstein

I hope the person was brought to justice.

1 month ago

That my child should die