Was war das gestern?
Gestern hab ich versucht mich gegen 22 uhr schlafen zu legen und hatte plötzlich richtig starke Angstgefühle. Ich hatte das Gefühl, das ich gleich kollabiere und das ich nicht mehr richtig atmen kann. Ich hatte ständig das Gefühl, gleich umzukippen. Dazu fürchterliche Angst. Das Gefühl ging nach 45 Minuten weg und ich war wieder normal. Ich muss dazu sagen, das ich die Nacht davor durchgemacht hatte mit einem halben g Koks.
was sagt ihr?
Possible cocaine use plays a role here. Cocaine affects the chemical household of the brain.
As a one-time event probably not overestimate. Should this happen more frequently or Doubt would be a doctor to ask advice. Thanks to the obligation to remain silent, you can also report on its use of substance.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Panic attack, i.e. pure hysteria, probably triggered by the coke. So let the shit go
It is not unusual that people who have consumed drugs experience anxiety and panic attacks. Drugs such as cocaine can influence the nervous system and burden the cardiovascular system, which can lead to physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness and cardiac turf, which in turn can trigger anxiety and panic.
I used to have no coke.
Maybe a panikatake or you’re so aif koks
It’s quite clear about the drugs. I’m sorry. But you could have gotten it yourself.