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Ist das noch gut?
Don’t know exactly but think it was a snake
Well, I didn’t come beyond snails.
If I wanted to buy kangaroo steak, I didn’t do it.
In any case, I know what the most disgusting was:
I bought horse sausage once.
I have already become bad when opening the paper wrapping and I have actually thrown it away,
so creepy it smelled. 🐴
Then it was probably spoiled, horse smells not soooo much different from other red meat.
Thank you.
Frog legs, kangaroo, crocodile, ostrich. I don’t really need anything, but the very tasty frog legs are due to how they are created while the others were simply unspectacular. I had parrot fish too, but there is also a less exotic sea fish.
I would like to taste snake
Snake and rice field maus or rice field pistol (don’t know what that was;) I ate in Vietnam.
Otherwise here at the Chinese: Zebra (was delicious!), crocodile.
In France: snails and frogs, but this is nothing exotic for me, there is already here
I’m only 16 and I haven’t tried so much. But I think I’ve tried kangaroo or ostrich before.
Otherwise, I still ate vineyard snails and frog legs.
LG ☁️
with me it was a ball fish in japan
Various African and Australian getiers. I wouldn’t call it exorbitant exotic.
Oh and shark steak in Sri Lanka.
Shark, crocodile, kangaroo, musculous frog legs, caviar and loud stuff
Ooo beautiful! Did it taste to eat the sweet animals?
Go, the shark and the crocodile were salty
Exterior steak
I never did.