Was war das?
Ich habe letztens crystal meth genommen und auf einmal sah alles so logisch aus och konnte komplexe Zusammenhänge verstehen und erklären wie etwas zu funktionieren hat. Auf einmal hat ich Verständnis gehabt für die Dinge und alles plausibel erklären können. Ist das normal?
Yeah, that’s drugs they change your perception.
And I know you wouldn’t be able to give one of these “heavy skills.” I can’t go after an Acid Trip
But I wrote everything in WhatsApp that I found out.
Copy paste, would like to hear it
This was a subject I’ve been dealing with for several years, but I’ve got a light.
Is this “light rise” from which you have realized that you will never take poison like meth or similar drugs again?
Better consciousness
I don’t want to say that well or well, but I understand things I wouldn’t understand.
W do you have an example?
He took meth, and you think that his perception was perhaps a better consciousness…
Seriously? Do you really believe that?
I spend a very long time working with instagram and have a few problems with it, but I was able to recognize the connections at once and understand what this is. What I have to do, etc.
It’s a drug psychosis. Go to the psychiatrist.