Was während einem Flug machen?
Hallo ich bin 13, und ich fliege bald in den Urlaub
Mich würde interessieren was ihr so macht wenn ihr fliegt,
also wenn man Langeweile hat
(zB. Film kucken oder so was …)
Also was macht ihr während einem Flug ?
Danke schonmal im voraus 🙂
I always take a good book, or my Nintendo Switch.
You could also find a podcast or, as you mentioned, watch movies or something.
Thank you.
I read in the paper or a book I always wanted to read. Which depends on the length of the flight.
Okay good idea
get bored, read, get up and go to the toilet. Eat.
Continue programming my game.
Reading or sleeping a book
Look out at the window or make a nap
Thank you.
Hello, it’s on the plane and time of flight. If the plane has a good and great offer in the entertainment program, I was busy with that. Otherwise sleep and be on the phone. (games and so)
Food, drink, read, sleep, chat, listen to music, watch movies, see from the window, go to the toilet …
work … * smile
I am flyingsteward
Hopefully you’ll be taken that you won’t be able to cum for several weeks because you’ve been so patched.
I usually hear music going like a car. And I usually sleep on the plane or try.😅
Yes good ideas