Was vor dem Boxtraining essen?
Viele meinen man sollte stunden davor nichts essen, aber damit fühle ich mich net fit
Viele meinen man sollte stunden davor nichts essen, aber damit fühle ich mich net fit
Zählt Toastbrot unter die Kategorie Brot?
Um unser schlechtes Gewissen zu verhindern ??
Habt ihr lieblings Süssigkeiten?
Carbs, glucose best. Grape sugar, bananas, something…
An hour before workout you should 25-50 g long chain carbohydrates to you. Make sure to eat some protein. Thus, the body has enough building material so that the muscles can regenerate already during training.
No milk. You can eat a banana before but no nuts or meal
Before my training I like to take a sip of protein shake and in addition as before any training anyway a glass with creatin (prescribed dose from the brand you use).