Was versteht man unter “Leasingsonderzahlung” – bekommt sie irgendwann zurück oder warum ist sie so hoch?
Also wenn man bspw. ein Auto leasen möchte, gibt es bei den meisten Anbietern eine Sonderzahlung von 3000€ bis locker 7000€ zu zahlen! Wenn es sich aber nur um “Leasing” handelt, warum ist das soo teuer? Ich meine damit könnte man sich doch lieber ein gebrauchtes, altes Auto kaufen. Warum ist die Sonderzahlung so teuer und wie läuft das Prozedere genau bei einem Leasingsvertrag? Bekommt man die Sonderzahlung irgendwann wieder zurück, also so wie bei einer Kaution bei Wohnungsmiete? Oder welchen Sinn hat sie für den Kunden?
Hello Matheo906,
Thus, if a leasing special payment is required at the beginning of the contract, this is usually 20% of the purchase price.
Here is a link to the calculation without special payment and with special payment as an example: https://www.real-leasen.de/leasingcomputer-tool/
…and with 20% special payment from the purchase price:
Greetings siola55
So the “pass” with residual value costs you approx. 10,000€ total approx. €35,000 – whether with 20% special payment or without special payment ;-))
So the leasing special payment is only once a rental advance payment for the entire duration of the lease contract to adjust the lease rate to your financial possibilities…
The one-off leasing special payment is a pre-payment of leasing rates and therefore reduces the monthly leasing rate, as has already been written here. Therefore, the paid leasing special payment is not gone and is not refunded, but is part of the leasing conditions when such a special payment has been agreed.
In the event of a good creditworthiness of the leasing user, no special leasing payment has to be made, in the case of a non-so good credit, a special payment reduces the risk of the leasing provider in the event of a default of payment, since a larger amount has already been paid in advance, it is also possible to pay a leasing special payment voluntarily as a legislator so that the monthly rate is reduced.
You don’t get the special payment back.
Basically, Leasing functions roughly as follows: During the leasing period, you pay the calculated loss of value of the vehicle (and of course interest rates of usually 0.9%-3.9%, which I ignore here for the sake of simplicity).
Price of the car 50.000 €
Duration 24 months
residual value calculated 26,000 €
The difference between purchase price and residual value (24,000 €) is now what you pay during the 24 months.
Theoretically you can make 0 € special payment and then pay 1000 € (24,000/24) per month or you could also pay 20,000 € and then pay just 167€ (4000 / 24) per month. That’s what’s going on. Details and how the ratio of special payment to monthly rate is best discussed with your dealer. This certainly depends on your credit.
This only reduces the monthly leasing rate you have paid. Has nix to do with a refund.
The meaning is simple, by the special payment you lower the monthly rate. No or small deposit = higher rate, high deposit = low rate.
Some leasing providers generally require a special payment, but some do not. Very high-priced vehicles are usually released only with a deposit. Otherwise, a deposit can be made if the leasing device is otherwise too low.
Leasing special payment is only once a rental advance payment for the entire duration of the lease contract to adjust the lease rate to your financial possibilities…
Doesn’t have anything to do with a rental deposit you hold back in i-wann :-((
Greeting of a Versich.maklerin
On the one hand, you have to pay with leasing the horrendous loss of value of a new car in the first three years, on the other hand, some people also earn at leasing with like the leasing provider as well as the brokerage fee/provision for the one who concludes the lease agreement with you. The fact that in the private area leasing is the most expensive way to drive car is nothing new.
With this special payment you reduce your monthly leasing rate. You don’t get anything back.
Quantity in good German
Depending on the liquidity, leasing must also take place or achieve a certain monthly leasing rate
With a special leasing payment at the beginning of the leasing contract, you reduce your monthly rate at leasing.
Of course, you will never rescind this special payment since this amount has been calculated into the supposedly “cheap” leasing rate :-((
PS: In the case of low interest rates, there is a serious offer No Special payment at the beginning of the lease contract!
Greetings siola55