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Do you think the wrong galopp? So cross-ball? The horse galaxes at the rear right and front left or vice versa
Depends on the context. I guess it’s about dressage work. This means that the legs of the horse cross in the sideways. So the right leg(pair) goes to the left or vice versa, so that the legs run “cross”.
That’s what you mean when you mix two different horse breeds. That doesn’t mean if you couple Hanoverans and Holsteiners etc… with each other. But Friese with Spaniard, Berber with Arabs, Paso with Icelandic… Due most breeds in the world are mixed breeds.
As already written here, it is about reproduction, then it is meant to mix different races. This refers not only to horses, but also to all other animals.
When it comes to work with the horse, it means that the horse crosses the legs (of course only the parallel leg pair, not the front with the rear leg).
I’d think to mix horse breeds.
And, in which direction did the question move?
I don’t know
Are there any answers in this catalogue? If you’re cheating on the course, did you ask? Or get you a buck to the Horse Riding Pass?
in the question catalogue are no answers and I do not visit a course