Was vermisst du in China 🇨🇳?
- was?
- warum?
- nur eine Sache? Oder mehrere?
Lg Aliyah
Lg Aliyah
Hallo, Ich werde nächste Sommerferien 17 und wollte mit einem 17 Jährigen Freund Urlaub in Japan machen. Nun wollte ich wissen ob man mit 17 alleine Reisen darf ohne Eltern wenn ja welche Einschränkungen wird es dort geben, weil ich keine 18 bin. Hotel wollten meine Eltern buchen 🙂 Ich danke im Voraus ^^ Mfg
Vllt etwas das nicht so bekannt ist oder Restaurant oder oder
Hallo zusammen, mein Handyvertrag-Anbieter berechnet mir zusätzliche Kosten für “Datenverbindungen im Ausland”. Ich war bisher der Auffassung, dass Roaming im EU-Ausland wie normaler Datenverkehr im Inland gehandhabt werden MUSS. War vermutlich in Österreich. Übersehe ich etwas?
Hallo, ich (19) lebe in einer großstadt und mir ist schon oft aufgefallen, dass wenn ich mit Freunden unterwegs bin, wir recht oft von ausländischen (Türken, albaner, etc.) Jugendlichen (meist in Gruppen) beim vorbeilaufen, auf unterschiedlichste weise beleidigt oder bedroht werden. Meine Freunde und ich sind deutsch und haben meiner Meinung nach ein “normales” äußerliches…
Ich habe schon auf meiner Liste stehen: die Erklärung was der kalte Krieg ist.Die Erklärung was die West und Ostblockstaaten sind.Dafür werde ich eine Liste erstellen und ein Weltkarte einfügen.Ich habe noch den Warschauerpakt und die Nato auf meiner Liste stehen.Dannach rede ich über den Koreakrieg,densalvadorischen Bürgerkrieg,den Vietnamkrieg,den Sowjet-Afghanistankrieg,die Kubakriese.Und ich rede über den Handel…
Before: I don’t really miss things, there are enough alternatives, but these are the most dense:
A beautiful bratwurst.. Schinkenkrakauer or ne gut Thüringer.. or the small Nurembergs.. :Here in China everything is grilled – also very tasty – but there is no such thing.
Paprika potato chips (the simple of Lidl) do not exist.
You can survive without chips?! 😳
I’ll send you some with the post 😉
There are chips in China. But others. And there are plenty of treats there. Similar to Asia shops in Germany. Just a lot more.
Can make a stand and maybe the German specialties will arrive.
That’s why you emigrated.
Right, that may also count as missing.
Me too…
But these delicious peanut flips are really not available in China. I’d miss it at some point.
All good 😅 am so one that gives her must everywhere 😂
😅 I know. Maybe others didn’t know that right. Just wanted to add my must
that is called irony… I know that there are chips 🙈 had been referring to his variety.
Luckily, there are also unfounded questions to NianMao, which even make him appear sympathetic.
He misses in China:
One could be fooled in him if one would not recognize his mission with other answers, namely to represent China as a beautiful free country where every Chinese has the right to say and even demonstrate his free opinion, etc.
Only reality looks quite different, as I have described in detail elsewhere in this angle of view.
I have a mission? Wow, and you and I don’t know them? Exciting..
And you can even easily report in detail. Fascinating..
As someone has written elsewhere, it is seaweed unlikelythat a normal German citizen has access to China.
Either you are not in China right now or you enjoy the privilege of being able to handle the “Great Firewall” in China, because you are doing propaganda for the Chinese government.
Like DEINE line-to-line argumentation on all critical issues concerning China (human rights, democracy, Hong Kong, Tibet or Taiwan), I am convinced that you are a political propagandaist of the Chinese regime.
I once questioned ChatGPT whether the good question platform could be reached for a normal German citizen who is staying in China.
According to ChatGPT, the probability is zero.
Read it yourself.
Come to China. Try it out.
I don’t laugh!
Do you want to sell the readers here with your horse story?
People read above the assessment of ChatGPTthat is completely contrary to the representation of NianMao’s, and do not let him dazzle you.
What he writes here is completely unrealistic.
If someone has never been to China… or just hasn’t accessed GF here yet. And full of prejudices and propaganda, he’ll say that.
All others simply use GF in China wherever they are.
I’m back in D, but what I missed in China when I lived there:
The star you would have earned 🙈 thanks for the great answer
🙂 have you been in China?
No, never. But I’ve got it before 🙂