was verdient man nach diese Ausbildung?

Hallo, ich habe vor eine Ausbildung zum Handelsfachwirt zu machen . Dazu gehört die ganz normale Ausbildung zum Einzelhandelskaufmsnn so wie eine Fortbildung die zu eine Führungsposition führt. ich wurde gerne mal wissen was man nach der Ausbilung so durchschnittlich verdient. Würde das im Baumarkt machen

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11 months ago

Good evening,

well, the trade expert – in my knowledge it would be the technician – is the highest possible reference that can be achieved without studying – so a completely learned specialist!

I can only say how it would be with me.

As far as I know there are some criteria you need to make the technician

• completed at least 3-year vocational training

• Multiannual professional experience – according to my knowledge lasts 1 year – but I am now insecure can also be 2 years

This may be the same for the trade professional that one first needs 1…2 years of professional experience after a 3-year vocational training.