Was verdient man als Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration?
Ich habe im Internet gelesen, der Median würde so ca. 3000€ + – brutto im Monat verdienen. Was verdient man wirklich direkt nach der abgeschlossenen Ausbildung und wie hoch kann das Gehalt in den weiteren Jahren durch die steigende Berufserfahrung steigen? Kann das Gehalt auch durch den Standort variieren, z.B. wenn man in Köln arbeitet?
In practice, the 3,000 gross is very well estimated. Because the completion of training is nothing more than the license for learning. If you are good and continue to train (and also invest more than working time) the merit will soon rise.
And there are enough system integrators that also have more than 10,000 gross. But of course not as a starter.
How can we develop?
The job – infinite expanses!
It can make every possible sense that depends on companies and the tasks. For example, it has helped me to create and master a small zoo from Arduinos, Raspis, Bananas and OrangePi’s. In the small one, it can be the right server (which are not expensive and do not draw much electricity.
Script languages are also very useful. Not necessarily the most modern: I always found pearl very useful.
And you learn a lot when you look for projects yourself. Whether this is your own homepage on a VServer or monitoring the home technology. You learn in any case!
And most employers also offer further training.
You are not overqualified with Abitur.
Mathematics is not so crucial – it should not be just “one four with regard to poor parents”. 😂😂
First-class German is helpful – you will not be spared to document your work readably
Good English you will need, because many documentation, RFC’s and so on are only available in English! And a phone call with “Ranjit” from the Oracle hotline is a very special kind of “English”.
If you want to program a bit as preparation: Do not take any top-modern-super-hypoke language. This is very unusual in practice! Mach Perl, this is still paying off! (Many envy me because I can still COBOL)
And because this is so often asked: if you want to learn to program, you don’t need any language, but the ability to put a problem and its solution into words in German.
“Programming can” is by the way not important for the system integrators: nobody tells them how exactly they can make work easier. So they have to have the ideas themselves.
Okay, I think an internship will certainly help me. What I would like to know: How is it about mathematics as FiSi, how much does it take in everyday work? Do you have to have a “1” to “3” to be accepted? I’m going to a gymnasium and aim for the abitur I’m almost overqualified with.
Hmmm, it doesn’t have to be computer science, that’s pretty academic and not everyone’s thing. However, there are some FH’s “Applied Computer Science” with a Bachelor’s degree. This is a little more practical.
But even with such a degree, you’ll be “devil apprentice”.
There is no master in my knowledge – but there is also a lot of change.
And asked differently. If you feel the training of the FiSi is too easy, then computer science studies is a better choice (also in terms of salary)? And there is also a master at FiSi, because you can do it?
Very different….
I can help you.