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In welchem Job verdient man viel?
Will später 170.000 Euro Brutto im Jahr verdienen welche Job sollte ich ausüben?
This depends very strongly on the amount of inventions per month.
In most people, this is more of a hobby, as the costs for patent applications are usually higher than the yields achieved with them.
0€, you are self-employed and not employed.
It can’t be said because inventors are not a profession. If you find something meaningful and find a company that produces it, you can sneak big. Inventors are often engineers who have a degree behind them.
Anyone can call themselves an inventor. Inventing things doesn’t make any money.
The sale or marketing of it is what brings money.
Depends on the invention ig 🙂
between no millions, depending on how successful the invention is on the market.
If you manage to develop the pill for the man, you swim in billions.
There is already, is only not allowed, because of the many side effects. (Are about the same as the anti-Babypille for the woman.)
Hmm. And is she admitted somewhere?
That depends on what you’re inventing
Depends on the product and what you get for a patent.
3500€ net