Was verdient ein Paketshop, wenn er Pakete annimmt?

Es gibt bei uns Läden, welche nicht direkt nur zur Post gehören, sondern wo das Paketgeschäfts nebensache ist (also z.B ein Graffittishop, der auch Retouren Pakete von DPD annimmt/zur Abholung anbietet oder ein Kiosk, der Partner von Hermes ist. Was verdient so ein Laden, wenn ein Kunde z.B eine retoure vorbeibringt?

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7 months ago

There are no exact numbers, the contracts contain silent obligations, have seen some of them already.

The post pays a monthly package + 5% of all sales (letter marks, etc) and 40-50 ct per package. The monthly package is dependent on how much the package shop makes sales and how many are nearby. If 100m is the next partner branch, both get less than one branch in the country that the post must not lose.

There are no exact numbers for GLS,dpd,Hermes and co,

20-60ct are more or less standard per package.

If you’re planning to become a partner branch of a parcel service, you can do all the deals and take the best. Depending on the parcel service, however, there will also be different sales. A GLS package store will not have as many customers as a DHL or Hermes package store (except there is no GLS package store nearby but many of Hermes/DHL) This is more balanced in cities.

With all DHL parcel services you can also have other parallels.

That’s why many DHL or the others have.

7 months ago

DPD pays about 50 cents per package (no matter whether it is picked up or abandoned).

7 months ago

Recently only read that it should be 5% of sales.

7 months ago


The shops with parcel intake hope for picking up the suppliers.

The whole system is Verarsche high three.

7 months ago
Reply to  NikkiMM

The whole system is Verarsche high three.

Why? Not everyone has a post office nearby. There’s a win-win situation for everyone!

7 months ago
Reply to  AlterLeipziger

No, not at all.

DHL & Co. press the fees without end, so that it is no longer expected to hold personnel.

7 months ago

This does not mean a postal branch, but only delivery and delivery of packages.
No letters, no marks, no special services.

7 months ago

Don’t pretend too easy. It takes more time than you think. Grade if you work for the post. Then not only packages, but also the whole letter sorting go over the table. This can take time and jerk is a snake in front of the switch although the employee actually has to clean up goods etc. For employees definitely more stress.

7 months ago

He just swooped around – apparently nothing else.

7 months ago

For estimated 10-30 packages a day, no fuel station, no beverage shop and no kiosk need to hold more staff.

Operators who take this for Hermes, GLS or DPD are doing this as a side purchase.

7 months ago

Who will then, according to your words

Are you kidding?