Was verdiene ich als Ing i. d. Schweiz?
Und zwar bin ich zum Entschluss gekommen in die Schweiz auszuwandern.
Ich bin frischer Ingenieur und habe gerade mal 4 Jahre Berufserfahrung (3 Jahre davon habe ich gebraucht um die Praxis für den Ingenieur zu beantragen hier in AUT). In meinem Job hat sich nichts geändert, d. h. ich habe auch keine Ingenieur erfahrung, es bliebt alles gleich. Nun möchte ich aber als Automatisierungstechnik-Ingenieur arbeiten.
Mit welchen Brutto Lohn kann ich in der Schweiz rechnen, im Internet steht nur übertrieben viel Blödsinn.
Vielen Dank im Vorraus.
I can only arrange your job profile inaccurately. I place it in the area of Drinking water of municipalities and cities.
Municipalities cannot afford their own engineer for the drinking water supply, except they are active as wellmasters. This is usually a job that several municipalities share. But the well master makes the quality assurance of the food, less the infrastructure.
Only large cities sometimes have their own industrial drives responsible for drinking water supply – but the number of larger cities can be seen in Switzerland: Basel, Bern, Geneva, Zurich.
Cantons (comparable with your federal states) are not responsible for drinking water supply. This is what the municipalities or supraregional drinking water supply communities or associations make. In cantonal administrations, however, there are offices responsible for implementing environmental laws (e.g. https://so.ch/management/bau-und-justizdepartement/amt-fuer-umwelt/wasser/ They are more about the waste water. Don’t know if it’s your knowledge. The wastewater communities and wastewater recycling industries would then be eligible.
Level of wages: initial salary estimated 85’000.00 to 105’000.00 annual salary, usually distributed at 13 monthly rates. Can’t guarantee if you’re right. But you can apply there and there. The wage classes are therefore divided into wage classes due to the respective assessments of the staff offices and do not leave much room for manoeuvre.
Paragrapho Salär had added the following paragraph, which actually leaves everything open for the second stage of a recruitment process, in which one then clarifies in a personal conversation what the Salary Frame is:
Job portal for cities and municipalities: https://www.gemeindestellen.ch/
For cantons, you must click through yourself. You can find the job portals on their web portal under “Jobs”. The Internet addresses are always http://www.ag.ch (Aargau), http://www.so.ch (Solothurn), http://www.bl.ch (Basel landscape), http://www.bs.ch (Basel City), http://www.zh.ch (Kanton Zürich), http://www.tg.ch (Thurgau), http://www.sg.ch (Kanton St. Gallen), http://www.gr.ch (Graubünden), http://www.be.ch (Kanton Bern), http://www.lu.ch (Kanton Luzern), www. nw.ch (Nidwalden), http://www.ow.ch (Obwalden) http://www.sz.ch (Kanton Schwyz), http://www.ur.ch (Uri), http://www.gl.ch (Glarus)
Look here:
on this current job list:
Oh, and immediately came back to some vacancies in the field of water engineering and engineering: