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in Hessen zumindest
Yeah, that’s always my first thought… probably because I can’t understand what’s going on. But I also think about Bap, the dialect I really like to hear and the series “Die Fussbroichs”.
After taking several city trips to Cologne, I connect with Cologne the extremely large number of important Romanesque churches That I needed several weeks for several trips to see them all, I didn’t expect that.
I also connect with Cologne that the city is one of the few cities in Germany, which also has a lot to offer from the Roman Antiquity.
I connect with Cologne the family tradition of my mother’s ancestors. These were small craftsmen and these wandered as Gesellen to the Rhine. My grandfather was the last one who had done this tradition. As a young married man, he always fainted. The grandparents did not have much money for pleasure trips and it came that grandmother took a trip to the Rhine and to the Cathedral in Cologne with my mother only after the death of her husband. That was in the 80s, she was already at the middle of 80.
Kölschen Dialekt and Kneipen are connected with it.
Somehow I think about gay men in tight black leather pants.
Of course, the Cologne Cathedral is a landmark and the carnival.
And oatmeal:
My point of view is that I grew up near Cologne. With Cologne I connect at home, warm people and a beautiful city forest.
In any case the Cologne Cathedral, I was there once.
… and other features of my hometown:
These include the always fresh little beers, the carnival (without the party excess), the original bottle Fööss instead of the Höhner, BAP, the Rhine, the climatically favorable location, the dialect (the only one you can also drink), the museums, the gastronomy, and unfortunately also many focal points and deficiencies.
With me anyway.
I spent my late childhood and youth there.
I like the dialect, although I speak high German. Our German teacher told us at the time that we should better speak Hochdeutsch so that our spelling is good. I thought about it. She was right.
I like BAP and Kölsch.
Certainly the cathedral but also the large Hohenzollern railway bridge right at the railway station.
YouTuber House 2016-2017
Many homos and nice people
An absolutely distinctive landmark of the city of Cologne
A city and its people I like and in which I like to live.
Even though I haven’t seen him in real life.
Directly at the main station
I would certainly not miss him, that would not be a problem.
I have never known
This goat
Bock. So much time must be
Yes the jack