Was unterscheidet ein AP von einem PSP?
wir sollen im Biologie-Unterricht über die Unterschiede zwischen einem Aktionspotential und einem Postsynaptischen Potential nachdenken, mir fällt da aber einfach nichts ein.
Ich wäre über gute Antworten sehr dankbar:)
The reactions of the receptors to a messenger lead to potential changes at the postynaptic cell (PSP). These individual changes must be emulated and overcrowded to trigger a new AP.
PSPs are therefore for the first time minor receptor responses to a messenger substance or a receptor-typical irritation.
https://abitur-wissen.org/index.php/biology/neurophysiology/192-neurophysiology-action potential
Scroll down to comparison of AP and EPSP
P.S.: The Internet is already the…
Thanks also for this nice cynical comment:)
If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything.
thanks for the link
I would have had some fun in the “fantastic” Internet found I would not have asked this question?
What do you find cynical about it? I was pleasantly surprised that you can find the answer to this, but quite special question, on the Internet. I meant that very seriously and just as I wrote it: The internet is really the boar!
I remember the early times in the 1980s. At that time, I found the whole computer stuff quite superfluous for the average citizen and I always said at the time: once the “knowledge of the world” is accessible via the Internet, it becomes interesting to me. And I am still fascinated by the fact that this has occurred – and in my lifetimes! Even if not everything is available, rare notes e.g., you usually find on the Internet the indication in which library you can see them.
It’s a shame you misunderstood me.