Was tut man, wenn da nichts ist, was die eigene Existenz rechtfertigt?
Was tut man, wenn man keinen Ausgleich dazu hat, dass man nutzlos und wertlos ist? Was tut man, wenn man am Existieren kein Interesse (mehr) hat? Was passiert, wenn man sein ganzes Leben umsonst lebt? Ist es gerechtfertigt zu leben, wenn man für Nichts lebt. Ist die eigene Existenz okay, wenn man nur existiert, während Andere mehr als nur existieren, es aber nicht könnten? Ist das ethisch vertretbar, so zu leben?
As you laugh about every person who goes to work and thus creates added value for society, as well as for his own life. Since you swore anyone who dares to put children in the world. Because you don’t want to work at all or do something else, but rather suffer loudly
(And all this in countless accounts)
Because you do all that, it’s not worth a response.
… I don’t understand your assumption I don’t have to make my existence like any other through his profession that would reproduce in no way bad is what way do I dise 3 things?
Then it would be advisable to create a “compensation”. There is no uselessness; it is merely a negatively connotated concept of capitalism that is opposed to the principle of providing services. Philosophically, no human being can really be useless, since even the smallest flash of spirit can produce useful or even world-changing ideas from zero to a hundred. Valueless lies in the eye of the viewer, because it is merely an assessment of one thing or entity and thus relative.
Be thankful for the knowledge. Thus, the next step should be given to ending its mere existence and starting life. Life is there to be lived. The sooner you start, the longer you get.
Then one has lived and will rejoice unfulfilled on the deathbed so much, that one has not used millions of chances. A creepy idea, which is why I personally have already made sure to leave something to the afterworld if it is so far. Live life and invest in life after it!
What’s “nothing”? Substanceless is also something… Above all, there is a contradiction here, because between existence and life should be distinguished. Even a coma patient can live spiritually in his perception, consciousness cannot distinguish between supposed reality and illusion.
Everything is okay if you’re convinced for yourself that it’s okay. Others are irrelevant in “deinem” life. You are a director of your life and only you alone must justify yourself later in the judgment of God. Play the game of life and win!
How about a little more moral relativity? I do not think of destructive and nihilistic world views, since every escapism leads to better fruits and perhaps even to walk over the rational boundaries and to recognize the truth in God.
Everything begins to me knowledge … Live your dreams and let them come true!
All good and God’s blessings 🙂
I don’t understand
Invalidity is nothing but the introduction of capitalist business systems if one can provide physical or psychological performance is useless that is already since the beginning of mankind so a child was not dark enough to work on the field starving it or was killed as the roaring it with the conquered areas deeds the strongest and most valuable enslaved and the weak useless nations can kill as much as all
More than exist there is no choice that you can meet sometimes it is annoyed to incapacity about it the more you start lying and so more you lie if you know exactly that you would never be interested in it.
How to regret something that you can’t determine yourself and also no longer becomes if you give things people can see after the dead who are of a self.
Nothing is that when you look down at the zero point of existence for nothing to live is not that you live or not what is rather unrelevant is to live justification well though you do nothing and can make exist if your own existence would not have been fulfilled by others but do not want to live the recurcen for that I have you.
Something to justify by looking it for yourself as okay is neither morally nor ethically acceptable so I can not commit crimes because I think that is something okay where you should orient yourself according to ethnic accuracy and should actively determine this is only the one that deserves it most then I or opinion on the nimble that it does not deserve to suppress.
What I’m most concerned about moral realtivity only do better fruits not lead to what you want ripe fruits * ripe fruit unripe no fruits * purely meaningless.
If you know everything about yourself, there is nothing else to recognize and even if it is not big of importance to have dreams has no direct purpose exactly so little to fulfill them especially if you live for nothing
You wrap your life as good as you can.
Saufen, Krimis look around other distractions