Was tut man in so einer Situation?
Mir wurde im Kreisverkehr die Vorfahrt genommen. Durch eine Vollbremsung konnte ich gerade so einen Unfall verhindern. An der nächsten Ampel macht der Fahrer das Fenster auf, sorry hab dich nicht gesehen und fährt dann weiter.
Accept that people now make mistakes. You will also be experiencing mistakes in the car driver’s life, which only do not lead to an accident because others are careful.
Even the luxury version of a driving mistake is that he has yet to apologize for himself.
Yes. Do you know that the phone is called for for every furrow to be complained. If there’s a number on the company car
What do you want to do? One accepts the apology (can happen to everyone), breathes through and rejoices the nix has passed on.
Exciting nix, you can see nix, damages are not caused.
Nice of him.
Smell something incomprehensible, but nothing bad back and enjoy the next day. It doesn’t have to make any sense. It can simply be “Zimt and Sugar”. If you call something forward, he doesn’t understand you.
After the shock, the driver at least reacted and he was sorry, he apologized to you. That’s almost no one, so I had signaled that everything was okay and smiled at him, it all went well again.
More Groll would only harm you.
Yes .. in the reverse case .. with me, they would complain and call for any furt in the company. Is there a taxi company with phone number.
They complain when you go to the toilet and take 5 min break because you have to drive an hour
That’s true, yet you keep your good character, don’t pay back with the same coin, kindness costs nothing and does good to you..
the only important thing is not to be overmanned by his feelings and to insult him. Then you have the damage yourself.