What to do if water from Sodastream tastes musty?

Hello everyone.

I hope someone has another brilliant tip for me…

For a few months now, the water from my SodaStream hasn't tasted musty. Normal tap water doesn't taste musty.

I've already cleaned the bottles with denture cleaner several times. It only worked for a maximum of one day…

I've already treated the SodaStream nozzle with lemon descaler. That didn't help either.

The device is only 1.5 years old.

What else can I try?

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2 years ago

Look inside, you can open the top cover. How do you go best, that’s different with each model.

Then you see a few screw connections and the hoses that lead from the cartridge to the nozzle. Look, if there’s something loose and gamelt or something.

2 years ago

Rinse and if that doesn’t bring anything, bring it back. Exchange.

2 years ago

Gas cartridge already changed? The only possible source left.

2 years ago
Reply to  AlenaMissy

Then it’s a difficult case and I have no more ideas. 🕺

2 years ago

Did you clean the bottle caps?

Otherwise use plastic bottles that are suitable for the dishwasher or Sprudler for and with glass bottles