Was tun, wenn sich kein WLAN-Gerät mit Fritz Powerline verbindet?


habe in der Gartenhütte eine Fritz-Powerline-Verbindung installiert. Der Systemstatus ist auch ok; ich kann in der Fritzbox auf das Powerlined-System zugreifen, es verwalten usw. Nur keines meiner WLAN-Geräte in der Gartenhütte schaltet auf die Powerline-Verbindung um, obwohl diese viel besser als das viel zu schwache WLAN-Signal der Fritzbox sein dürfte. Woran kann es liegen?

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5 months ago


Maybe it’s because your Wi-Fi devices don’t automatically detect the powerline connection. You could try to connect the devices manually to the powerline connection. See if you can select the powerline network in the WLAN settings of your devices. If that doesn’t work, it could help restart the powerline adapters. Sometimes it also brings something to check the connection in the Fritzbox again and make sure everything is properly set up. You could also try the powerline adapters on different sockets. Sometimes there are interferences or problems with the power line that affect the reception. It could also help to update the firmware of the powerline adapters. This is often a step that is overlooked, but can make a big difference. At the end of the day it can also be at the placement of the adapters. Make sure they are not too far away from each other and no major obstacles are in the way. Another trick could be to completely switch off the WLAN function of the Powerline adapter and then activate it again. Sometimes a restart is enough to solve the problem.

5 months ago

Does your powerline adapter also have w lan or only rj45 ?

5 months ago
Reply to  sturmei

Actually reset and reconnect loudly.