Was tun wenn Pferd nicht vorne laufen will?


Also frage steht ja schon im Titel, ich erkläre es aber nochmal ausführlicher..

Das Pferd was ich reite, will überhaupt nicht vorne reiten(wenn es vorne ist bleibt er stehen und geht rückwärts gegen die Bande oder in die Mitte oder er rennt einfach los durch die Halle und ist dann auch nicht mehr zu stoppen) also es klappt überhaupt nicht.

Also ich setze mich schon durch aber es klappt halt wirklich nichts, aber wenn ich dann hinter jemanden reite klappt alles super. Das Problem habe ich nämlich auch wenn das Pferd vorne irgendwie wegspringt oder so, dann will er nicht weiter laufen sondern bleibt direkt stehen und geht wieder rückwärts.

Woran kann das liegen? Hat wer Tipps wie ich es hinkriege?

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2 years ago

Horse and train you. There’s something in the argen with the horse, it probably doesn’t know good training.

But putting through also means paying attention to the horse and responding to his needs. This horse first needs a reasonable basic training, so that it can go ahead at all. it probably doesn’t know to work alone or take over the “guide”.

2 years ago

Hey, try to train your horse from the ground. That sounds like your horse is insecure to me. Give him/her the necessary safety and make everything from the ground. Later you can find one or two riders and ask them for help. Ride alongside each other and lead it first before the riders. Show your horse that doesn’t happen to him/her.
Good luck:)

2 years ago

by changing the school.

again such a stupid chewing, where they pull the coal out of the bag to the people, without teaching them anything and with horse material that is NULL suitable as a school horse.

your school horse comes from the rest of the ridered horses – and you should also sink it again.

that you are supposed to “permeate” – probably with crooks, bang into the horse’s sides and knock with the gerte on it – is not a sensible lead for a horse.

the riding instructor is obliged to give you the respective instructions for use for the horse you ride.

He doesn’t do it, the riding school is disgusting.

in principle, what is being done there was.

How long have you been riding and how old are you?

2 years ago

How’s the horse going when you ride? Can you independently ride train figures and co?

How does the horse run riders among other things?

2 years ago
Reply to  Hannah845

Let me guess: it’s a school horse?

Probably the horse is quite blunt and you are not well trained to give correct and understandable help. Good teaching on well-trained horses helps.