Was tun, wenn Periode verspätet ist und man im Sommerurlaub ist?

Also meine Periode ist verspätet seit 3 Tagen….ich fliege am Dienstag mit meinen Eltern.

Was ist wenn ich am Strand bin und die Periode auf einmal kommt? Kann das passieren oder kann die Periode auch nach dem Schwimmen kommen? Weil das ist alles so unsicher,…imagine ich laufe am Strand und dann bin ich 30min vom Hotel entfernt und die kommt aufeinmal

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2 years ago

The period can come at any time or even stay a month when you are stressed. If one is severely underweight, it can also remain much longer.

Take tampons to the beach, then you can swim. If you have no bleeding, it can be unpleasant to remove the dry tampon. Better take and clean if necessary.

A better alternative would be a tie under shorts, then only unfortunately can not go swimming

Good luck and a nice holiday! 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Sonnenblume633

Mother calling for a towel, so bad can’t be the bleeding. Certainly there are at least bushes or even dressing rooms and toilets, since you can move around below

Shouldn’t be too unpleasant to you, the probability that this happens is also very low

2 years ago

That’s it, mathe stop. A day has 24 hours and you are not in the water all the time. Is more likely you will get it on the beach or in bed