Was tun wenn mein großer bruder mich schlägt?
Mein großer bruder schlägt mich. Ich bin 12 und mein großer bruder 16. Meinen Eltern bescheid zu geben bringt nichts das einzige was hilft ist das man sich schnell ein bett sucht und mit den Füßen tretet aber mein bruder hat schon eine Technik gefunden wie er meine Beine stoppen kann. Er stopt meine Beine in dem er sich mit seinem Körper Gewicht auf meine Beine setzt. Das schlimme ist daran das er mich schlagen kann ohne das ich was dagegen unternehmen kann. Kann es auch einfach sein das man nichts gegen seinen großen Bruder machen kann?
Let us be realistic: if you want to fight, there are no half things. This must then happen so massively without warning that the battle is definitely over. This is best achieved by means of tools. Sports equipment from the field of ball sports are offered, for example.
In the case of the age difference very courageously embark on a struggle,but in reality the only possibility
And the other then has few teeth less and will then want to avenge
There’s a school psychologist or a school social worker in your school. Since you’re so young, I’d recommend looking for help. Otherwise, the Youth Office, best contact with an adult person. You can do this!
First talk to your parents about it.
If that doesn’t get help from the Youth Office
You didn’t write what the trigger is when your brother beats you. Is it common in your family?
Just keep saying, please listen to me. I love you as my brother, but I don’t want to be beaten. It’s not fun for me.
That doesn’t mean anything I’ve told him many times
isn’t there a chance to hide from your parents? or does it matter to them that it hurts?
What a pointless comment.
Step into the Crown Jewels. Then he learns to hurt that.
Do you really think I trust something like that??
One single enters the crown jewels is not a reliable method.
Kill him