Was tun wenn man nachdem essen ein Blähbauch hat?
Hey, ich bin 14 Jahre alt und habe schon seid 2 Monaten nach dem Essen immer einen Blähbauch ist das normal? Ich habe Angst das es heißt ich nehme zu oder so etwas hat das auch jemand von euch? Was kann ich dagegen tun?
Ich brauch nur eine Scheibe Brot zu essen und schon sieht es so aus als hätte ich die ganze Packung gegessen
Be careful to ask people about your age. This is completely normal and many of us have. Neither do I know what to do about it, some lay their legs up.
There are some things that you can do if you have a beacon after eating:
If you suffer from frequent bloating or if your bloating persists longer, I recommend that you visit a doctor or other healthcare provider to identify the cause and initiate appropriate treatments.
This sounds more like an incompatibility!
You can’t handle certain foods? Do you currently consume a lot of dairy products? Or do you eat stuff you haven’t eaten before and your body doesn’t digest?
Actually I eat completely normal I eat many dairy products
Do you have an intolerance against lactose?
You speak of a bubble when you have gases in the digestive tract. This has nothing to do with weight gain.
And if you usually have a flat belly, then you can actually guess ” if you have taken a good portion of food to you, but also that will digest, disappear and you are as slim as before.
Then you can’t do something.
Then you’re looking for something. Describe exactly what you eat and go to your doctor.