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Well, pregnancy is certainly not a sugar taste and pain will therefore not be avoided. The birth will also not necessarily be pain-free, with of course there are also means to simplify this.
I think if you have the need to have a child, you have to go through it. There is no easy way to biological children.
An alternative would of course be adoption. There are so many children without parents and many parents who cannot fulfill this child’s desire. That would certainly be something you could think about.
If you really want children, the pain that might come to you in the future will not matter.
An acquaintance had, e.g., a stark spicy phobia. On a natural way, it did not work with pregnancy, so it had to go the way of child treatment – and spray itself all possible. After a few days, she made it quite natural and the Phobie was no longer a topic. However, only with regard to the child’s desire, otherwise she is still afraid of spraying. But the desire for a child was stronger than fear.
Aside from this: a pregnancy does not necessarily have to be painful. And also for birth there are many possibilities of pain relief – from self-hypnosis to salmon gas to PDA.
An urgent child’s desire from all heart will allow you to suffer the pain that can be reduced with PDA, or the advising gynecologist may advise you to an imperial cut that also hurts, but just differently, than the pain of natural birth.
All the women who came to practice had forgotten the pain when they held their baby in their arms, with no luck.
Good for you.
If you want a child, I’m afraid you have to go through there. Your husband will support you and this is not a whole life. So the pain.
This pain of birth makes a woman and is simply violent and painful without end, no matter how sensitive man is.
weighing what’s more important.
Pregnancy and birth are never painless.
adopt a child!
adopt one.
You just don’t get kids.