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6 months ago

No one can take it from you to do the first step.And if you don’t try, you won’t know if you can.

Try to get the pressure out mentally.It’s not bad if you fail.Please ask your parents to give you an appropriate time.

6 months ago

Find a job, a training place or do something your parents are satisfied with 🙂

6 months ago

I don’t know what qualifications you have but you should consider whether you want to work in the office, trade, crafts etc if you know how to work in the office, then you can inform you about various office jobs and watch which one sounds best for you or which job fits yours.

if you find a job then you can look after and apply. if the job is released next year, you can do a parttime or minijob in the meantime

and so on

6 months ago

Then find a job and don’t suck around. To lazy is not the time for you

6 months ago

Who can work.

6 months ago
Reply to  Isuzu189


6 months ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

To keep people out of their pockets. Whether it’s the parents or the general public.

6 months ago
Reply to  Olivia1232424

Then find out.

For example, through various internships.

6 months ago

Right. But only by writing here it becomes clear that at least money is necessary for an internet-capable device and the use of an internet connection for the questioner. Probably it will also prefer to live in a house in a bed with water, electricity and heating in winter. And probably she will not hunt or plant her food in the forest itself, but as we all buy at the supermarket. Thus, in their case money is necessary for their lives. And so it is only right that they earn this living through their own work, unless there are any aspects that are not in their power.

6 months ago

You only have to work if you need money to live.

6 months ago

As long as you don’t want money from the state, nobody forces you to go to the JobCenter. And that your parents don’t have a “buckle” to feed you through, you can understand.

And LIDL pays a very good reward for unskilled. So they don’t take JEDEN, who really doesn’t want to work.