Was tun wenn man ausgelacht wird weil man Mofa-roller fährt?

Hi ich wollte mal fragen ob man da dann irgendwelche Sprüche sagen kann damit sie einen nicht mehr auslachen…

Und würdet ihr jemanden auslachen wenn er mit 25 km/h zur Schule kommt?

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6 years ago

I wouldn’t laugh at her because I’m driving Mofa myself, but my Hercules is driving 34.

You could say:

“Are you envious because you can’t afford this?”

“Clar, are you faster by bike, the question is just… how long? I’m not going out”

“I don’t have to wait for the bus”

“I am not totally sweaty in summer and exhausted when I arrive at school”

Pull the year through until you can drive 125s and ignore them simply because in the end they laugh only to suppress their envy;)

L.G Mike

6 years ago

“Have you never seen this before?”

People are best laughing at something they see for the first time. The younger the people are, the more children they are and the more they laugh.

“Always better than running. ”

“Look, so I can do something for your health. Because of the exhaust gases, keep a distance. ”

Laugh is healthy.

6 years ago

Findings like this completely practical.they are just jealous.ignoring it easy.

6 years ago

25kmh is not practical, only a traffic disability.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nexana00

With such companions you do not interfere with traffic, since they usually have the permission of using the walking path / bicycle path.

Put something on.

6 years ago

better than running

6 years ago


6 years ago

If you could read, you see that I did not cite a legal basis.

Oh, really? I didn’t realize you didn’t call anyone. Why did I ask for it? So much about reading, right?

By the way, if you try to insult others with such clever sayings, at least pay attention to your sentence building. You know – read, write and so.

The quotation of why it (cite) is “authorized”, by the way, you have lost…” again.

6 years ago

If you could read, you see that I did not cite a legal basis.

However, it is tolerated by the police officers to 99,99% if you follow these in certain directions where no use of the walking or cycling path has been identified.

In most cases, a 25 km/h road road is a greater risk of accidents than on the walking path, where you can see and see passersby and cyclists from larger areas and are not on the way 100 km/h.

This is practical, not theoretical.

6 years ago

No, it is certainly not a legal “gray zone”, and for yours presented as a fact Presumption to use walking paths contrary to §2 Abs 1 StVO I would like to see a quotation of the legal basis.

6 years ago

It’s a legal grey area.

As long as the speed is adjusted, it is also possible to use mofa and scooter drivers. 99.99% of the police are going through this written offense.

6 years ago

As far as I understand this, they can only use it internally if a sign regulates this and it has been allowed out of place for a long time.
Nevertheless, I still see Mofas on the street out of town and still disturb them in the inner part. I rarely see bicycles on the road when there is a cycle path.

6 years ago

May. But usually do not. In addition, the mofa and scooter driver may also

6 years ago

But at least the cycle path can be used within (and outside?).

6 years ago

They usually do not drive faster than 25 km/h.

6 years ago

I wouldn’t laugh at him, but ask why he doesn’t take the bike or an e-bike. To lengths cheaper and the latter also convenient.

6 years ago

I don’t understand why there was a reason to laugh… Or are you a boy and the scooter is pink?^^ Or is the fun sound? Then I would just laugh:D

Otherwise just ignore.

6 years ago

I’m not laughing, but being pushed.

6 years ago

The fact that it is all better than in the summer in the overheated bus with 100 pupils to complete and has no waiting times on bus and train.

6 years ago

Do you want to laugh?

6 years ago

You could grow up and not worry about why other people laugh.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kinggamer5s

It doesn’t change anything.

6 years ago

I find things completely unnecessary. They’re loud, stinky and impede traffic.

And 25 km/h you can also drive by bike. Unless you’re living in the countryside or just a long way from your school, I could still understand it, with so many bus lines today.

But I wouldn’t laugh at you

6 years ago
Reply to  AnswerGod

If you prefer a 45. Nervt inside at least not like that. You usually come by somewhere.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnswerGod

I have also made the driver’s license and I find it quite sensible that even young people can really take part in road transport