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1 year ago

To have this concern is not bad. She can’t determine or take over your life. As soon as a worry becomes fanaticism, you have a problem.

There are tables where you can read how high a healthy BMI would be. As long as you’re in the norm, it’s enough to weigh once a month and feed yourself healthy. Once you’re under or over it, you’ll have to adjust your eating habits or your sporting scale.

Too thin is not healthier than too thick.

1 year ago
Reply to  CrazyLazy388

Take photos of you without a head, compare yourself with your friends.

The advertising makes us all crazy. All these beautiful images of the influencers also distort perception.

Health is a non-estimating good. To sacrifice this for fetched ideals is dangerous. There’s something that’s called Jo-jo effect. After every hunger cure, nature still packs extra pounds for the next famine. Keep your healthy weight, that’s the best you can do in your life. You can also see serious illnesses or other crises. Your people need you first and foremost. Beauty ideals come and go. There’s no reason.