Was tun wenn ihr mitbekommt das eure Mutter auf der Arbeit extreme gemobbt wird?

Sie euch aber nie was gesagt hat

eine neue Bekanntschaft von euch arbeitet auch in der Firma und sie sagt das euch

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5 months ago

Put your heart to seek professional help.

5 months ago

I’d be cautious if the new profession is really right… if jmd is bullied, extreme, the person idR is totally unhappy. What affects all areas. So you should have noticed that your mother is not (more) good. Ideally, you would have already asked what’s going on.

If it really is, and she hasn’t said anything so far, she will have her reasons. Can’t try to find out if that’s true…

5 months ago

I would advise her to look for a new job. Since this is not so easy, it may also have to look that it will solve itself, so go to the works council or to the boss himself. Otherwise I’d come and talk to her colleagues a few words. Adults who are mobbing are groundless and simply immature

5 months ago

I’d give the bulls a lot of stress. But whether it’s a questionable one. because your mother could just go to work elsewhere.

5 months ago

I’d ask my mother if there’s something. It depends on my mother’s reaction.

5 months ago

What am I supposed to do? She’s grown up and has to know if she goes to the works council or not.

5 months ago
Reply to  molihartmann

What’s he gonna do? In the worst case, there are also mobbers involved.

Shut up, keep the façade and quickly look around for a new place. Everything else can end extremely unsightly.