Was tun wenn ich ungeplant bin?

meine Erzeuger haben gesagt das ich die dähmliche fresse halten soll weil keiner mich leiden und ich ungeplant bin. Das machte mich traurig und ich weiß nicht wie ich damit umgehen soll.

alles gute Lina

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1 year ago

It’s not your problem. If he couldn’t prevent it, it’s not your intelligence. Nobody asked you before.

“No one can suffer” is just as precise as: “all except me have it.” It is usually lied and you use it when you start the arguments or you have a restricted perception.

Of course, that’s a nausea to tell his kid. The same man will complain bitterly at some point if you don’t come to visit him anymore.

That’s what you have to do with irony: “Super, I love you too!” With morality, arguments or kindness, you can’t go on.

“You know who has to pay your old-age home later…” and if he doesn’t give a rest, “Your old-age home will always be more ashamed…”

1 year ago

This is certainly a stupid feeling to know that you were not wanted (at least not from parents. The dear God certainly wanted you, but it doesn’t take much advantage of you when you are unbelieving).

But you are a person who breathes, thinks, feels, a heart and a soul has like any other person, whether he has been planned or not (so gives many unplanned lives). So you are as valuable as any other person.

1 year ago

I have to say my child wasn’t planned either. Nevertheless, I love it and would never say anything to my child.
This is just cheeky and unharmed by your parents, may you be unplanned but your parents are those who have decided to keep you despite that.

Don’t let yourself be discouraged, every person is valuable, even you and if your parents don’t see that then you don’t have the bad luck but your parents.

1 year ago


But if you are 18 and pull out then you can break the contact with them completely.