Was tun, wenn ich einen scharfen Fremdkörper gegessen habe?
Ich war am 04.09.2024 Einkaufen im Kaufland.
Der helle, steinharte, scharfe Gegenstand ist ca. 8 mm groß.
Auf der Verpackung steht: Kann Spuren von Cashewkernen, Erdnüssen, Mandeln, Paranüssen, Pekannüssen, Pistazien und Walnüssen enthalten.
Sieht aus wie eine Paranussschale.
She slips through and gets out of the bottom. There’s no way
Why is there nothing?
You need a solid base to cut. The paranosa shell too. This does not offer stomach and intestine. The esophagus didn’t do it either.
A paranus shell is dark brown to black, that could be a small stone.
in size, nothing should have happened
What happens if I eat a shard in my cake?
It’s up to the scissors, the size, the material and what else you eat. Can I not say a flat-rate
Did the cashier set me up?
I’m going to the full sale country, open my Kaufland app, scan my Kaufland Card at the scanner station. The shopping scanner that is ready for me begins to flash. I’ll take the scanner. When shopping, I also grab the pine cores from the shelf. I hear the evil voice: “This is him”. I’m going to the empty box area. I’ll scan the QR code on the self-service box. I put the scanner in the scanner tray. The self-service bank wants a sample. The cashier comes later and asks me for the hand scanner. I turn around, show her the scanner tray and give her the hand scanner. Your hand scanner scans my hand scanner. She grabs my shopping cart, scans the packaging and gives the release. I pay, take the cash bonus, scan the cash bonus at the cash desk exit, the flap opens and drive home.
Did the salesman put the Pienienkernverpackung in my shopping cart when I turned around to the handheld scanner?
It is slim, about 24 – 30 years old, female, German cashier, approx. 1.90 m tall, on the right arm it carries a watch with white, round dial.
What’s wrong with you?
The cashier from the purchase country, Torfstraße 10, 66849 had no accomplices?
Yeah, it always does.
Why would you have eaten this one? I’m sure you don’t swallow it all, but chew it nicely. You would have noticed a stone. The likelihood that you will not notice such a stone is very low. And even if there is nothing, it takes its natural path.
What if he’s gone? Because I have to get away just before the evening, I don’t always eat slowly and deliberately swallow food offered down.
Can this indigesible sharp foreign body produce wounds in the stomach and intestine? This is life-threatening?
I’m supposed to go to the bathroom and get that.
You’re not mad about the bad German.
… probably only exists in your imagination. Do you want to fool us with your photos that don’t show what you say?
Do you know the term “flame body phagophobia”?
Here’s another office story.
The accountant Stefanie Weber asked me, would you like to eat something else?
I said, “No, I’ll get stomach pain. ‘
A few days later.
She: “The cake has to go.”
And then I got the two pieces of cake. There followed stomach and intestinal pain after the stray cake.
A few months later.
The foods were on the menu daily:
Germ water, tablets, muesli and cashew seeds. The symptoms were almost every day during long sitting: glucking in the stomach and constipation.
Half a year later.
Intestinal pain also in the stool.
The end in the emergency room is: These are most likely gastritis.
There’s nothing happening at all, it’s being transported and excreted with the digestion. stomach and intestinal walls are very slimy, there is nothing
There are sick people who deliberately swallow glass shards and nails, and often nothing happens
It’s been a few days. There’s nothing happening.
And if a foreign body produces stomach and intestinal pain, do you say irritable bowel syndrome?
There’s no foreign body, it’s not in the body anymore. Small children swallow buttons and marbles that are in the diaper no later than 2 days.
Sauerkraut and potatoes. Then it slips through