Was tun, wenn ich eine Schreibblockade habe?

Ich glaube, der Titel erklärt es eigentlich schon, aber ich habe schon seit einigen Wochen eine Schreibblockade und ich weiß einfach nicht, was ich dagegen tun kann. Ich versuche schon so lange das erste Kapitel einer Geschichte zu schreiben und ich habe auch schon ein paar Ideen, aber sobald ich mich an meinen PC setze, kann ich mich einfach nicht zum Schreiben bringen.

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1 year ago

What could help would be the following: For the first time you try to structure your thoughts. If necessary, make a small script in the form of a collection of scenes that you can ‘read’. This is good even if the story is very long and you really sit down for a long time and don’t do anything that you have the whole story in your head or on paper. However, this does not solve the write block.

That’s why the next option: Just write. Sit down for an hour, finish the chapter and start completely new in the next chapter. That sounds stupid, but it really always comes to the point where you don’t want to have any more pleasure in the figures, on your own story, etc., because this might just run through a thirst stretch that you didn’t want to have in person. As I said, write scene to the end and then simply start to the next. Sooner or later, there’s a scene you love totally and you’ve been looking forward to the whole time, the smashed scene with the blockade you can rework again when you’re at the end of the novel.

Then it is not important whether it is good or bad…. then it is essentially about the thirst stretch.

What I would advise you now would be a great plot change or the introduction of new characters from despair. This should be well thought out, and you already have a plot on which history is based so far, in this sense such necks overhead introduced figures usually make exactly the impression that also applies, namely that they were created because the author did not continue to consciousness.

If it has to be… let the project lie, continue to work out the plot and hope you can somehow overcome yourself. That may sound a little bad… I know it too. I couldn’t write from today to tomorrow what I really liked and that’s been like for about a year.

What can help: I write here answer, others offer themselves as a correction reader on Wattpad or the like (of course only if you are interested in it).

Otherwise… read, read a lot, focus on what else, maybe try a shorter story, and then you hope that the motivation for a ‘longer’ project will come back.

I wish you all good and good improvement;)

1 year ago

Also at the risk of I now harvesting a shitstorm, but…

Most of the writing blockages are created by most authors by expecting perfection. They are afraid that the words, phrases, stories do not correspond to what they actually imagine. They fear that each of their chosen words is pale, banal, no fireworks in the minds of the reader.

And that’s something you should get used to as an author. First of all, perfectionism is a Wischiwashi term. How to define it? Exactly. I can’t. Always remember: words can be a lot. But there are only words, only means for purpose. The readers read the words and it forms – ideally – head cinema that ensures that they read on. But this can be created with the seemingly banal just as if you try to find out from zig words what you think is the very best.
And you know what the common is: just because you see it this way, this is not to be equal to what the reader decides.
Then, you write a story, help her to the world, and that is the most important thing. Somewhere I had once read that the universe consists not of atoms but of stories.
Therefore, write the story, give a new star a new planet. If he doesn’t like you at the beginning, it doesn’t matter: you can always rework. Editing means populating him, colouring him, giving him plants and animals and all that belongs to him

So I connect BeviBaby’s words: Just write. What is on paper, you can change what is on paper, maybe you don’t like 100%. But maybe a lot of your readers. And for them you should write:-)

1 year ago

When I have a record blockade, it’s mostly because I expect perfection from my story and think too often. My method is this:

  • Set timer for 10 to 15 minutes and then…
  • write as many first sentences as you can, or
  • as many worlds in one sentence describe how only goes (e.g. a world where time travel is possible and therefore everything falls into chaos), or
  • take a random sentence from any book and write with it a completely new text that has nothing to do with the original, or
  • looking out a photo from the internet and describing how it originated, which people were there, etc., or
  • write a mini story with random substantives, or
  • count as many extraordinary superpowers as possible, or
  • think of a most interesting main character
  • etc.

The main thing is that you do this task within time. Through the pressure of time, this desire for perfection turns out to me and I get completely new ideas and motivation.

Hope I could help you:)

1 year ago

Download an app for transcripting that spells spoken words. Then sit with a good friend and tell him what’s going to happen in your story.

And then you have a text as a basis to work with.

1 year ago

Doing your job with something else