Was tun wenn bei kleinanzeigen ladet karte überprüfen?

Ich wollte autorisieren lassen jemanden der zahlen will und hab dafür meine Bank Karten Daten eingeben und seid dem ist es so :Bild. Muss ich was anderes machen wie lange dauert das?! Das ist schon seid mindestens 10 Minuten! Und will nicht von meine andere Handy off gehen nicht das was falsch mache. Muss ich echt warten und wenn ja wie lange?! Der Käufer wartet bestimmt schon!

Edit jetzt steht jetzt das da: steht da ich soll das geld überweisen obwohl ich verkaufe?

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1 year ago

Congratulations, you just got cheated.

You have received a fake message where your bank access or credit card data has been collected.

Please sit (!) connect to your bank and leave card and account locked.

And why for heaven’s sake You don’t get the advice you’ve been getting here for days and in which “Sure payment” have been taken off?

But no, you still had to offer it.

Rat of me:

Hold on eBay and Classifieds far away, you have none at all I don’t know what you’re doing and you’re still completely consulted.

1 year ago
Reply to  GeheimerFan

But when I waited all the time at the first photo, it ended up not working.

That’s what the cheater wrote to you to win time; the message came not of Classifieds.

So nothing happened?

I wrote to you what happened.

How do I know if my account’s really getting hit? On Sparkasse bei online banking everything is normal?

Let’s take a look.

But it was really clear to me that you know better again.


1 year ago
Reply to  GeheimerFan

without password and pin they can’t start much. Please call your bank tomorrow morning and ask what you should do.

1 year ago

Promise with your bank

1 year ago

of what map did you specify what data?