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2 years ago

I find a little naive that you really expected an employee to take the time to answer your homework. I think that would have been the same in any other company.

However, there would also be enough news articles about storage and other things. Or business reports, etc.

To the outside, such questions will only be answered by the official press office, but realistically not to students…you can try it at most, but just NOW at Christmas time and on holidays you will be able to hope for little. Even if someone is compassing

2 years ago

You don’t expect to be serious enough to answer you in the form?

Gives enough videos about Amazon’s processes…

2 years ago

Although I am against amazon purchases for hopefully well-known reasons, I order something there and again.

In case of telephone queries on my part of any kind I am NIE in a long waiting loop – funny, but true!!

Any questions friendly and professional and patient answers, problems also solved. I’m actually irritated every time by phone (!) immediate expert response that has always helped me:

0800 363 8469.

2 years ago
Reply to  paulklaus

for hopefully known reasons against amazon purchases

GFN users know your reasons?

2 years ago

on ZDF Info there are a few nice docuss about the world power Amazon. This also guarantees that one or the other can derive from the processes in the warehouses.

You can find the docus with security in the ARD Mediathek, also available via the Brwoser.

Lg, Anna

2 years ago

I’d contact the support, they’d call back.

2 years ago
Reply to  wiki01

(a) the support is not able to answer such a thing and (b) the support must not answer business questions of this kind;)