Was tun, wenn alkoholisches zu gut schmeckt?
Frage für einen Freund.
Gerade nun in der Weihnachtszeit trinkt ein guter Freund am Wochenende nicht gerade wenig von edlem Brandy. Der Geschmack ist einfach phänomenal (?). Dennoch hat Alkohol ja seine Wirkung 😢.
Was könnte man da tun?
Put yourself a limit, e.g. in the evening 1 small glass that is enjoyed over a long period or only on weekends.
Doesn’t it matter to be so honest and admit that it has become a addiction. That’s not a shame and can meet anyone, but you should do something. Even for yourself because you never really feel so good in a dependency.
Yes, but after a glass the taste works.
With the dependency that I can deny as it has increased consumption only at Christmas time.
It should not spread and burden everyday life, even at Christmas time. It’s already smashed in Advent and between the days and I’m not getting drunk.
Pronounced friend should perhaps use the asshole month of January to renounce or take Christian Fasting to Anreit. Such breaks are a good barometer for self-assessment.
I also like to drink 2-3 times a week a small drink, rum or Whisk(e)y preferred. There are now alcoholic beverages that really taste unharmed well.
Since in my family there were a lot of addiction patients and I am very pinchy with myself – that can go so quickly when you forget:(
You won’t be able to do anything. As much as you wish.
Not being able to leave it is an expression of addiction behavior. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an alcoholic drink, a computer game, sex or whatever.
Ultimately, your acquaintance does not have to fall into the addiction while enjoying. If he is not able to only occasionally create a glass. Then he has to think about whether he is simply going out of danger, rather not to drink a noble brandy.
But as I said, only he himself can influence his behavior. You won’t have any options from outside.
respond to him,
Contact a search consultancy office.
He’s not an alki!!
Then the solution is on hand: just don’t drink so much!
If he can’t, he obviously has a problem.
Well, it doesn’t matter.
Put your own limits.