Was tun um diesen Rollen zu fahren?
Ich bin momentan 17 Jahre alt und habe den Führerschein für begleitetes Fahren und somit auch AM Führerschein. Hier dürfe ich Roller mit max 50ccm und Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 45kmh (ich weiß dass es durch Baujahr variieren kann zB vor Baujahr 2002 = 50kmh) fahren. Problem ist jetzt, dass ich einen Roller besitze, der Baujahr 2002 ist und 50kmh fahren kann. Dafür reicht AM Führerschein ja nicht aus. Was müsste ich also tun, dass ich diesen Roller fahren dürfe. Müsste ich nochmal einen anderen Führerschein machen? Oder müsste ich nochmal in die Fahrschule?
What is “year of construction 2002”? In 2002, too, small motorcycles or small-powered scooters, which were still in line with the old regulations, came into the road for the first time. There were transitional provisions for this. Otherwise, manufacturers and traders would have had to scrape all vehicles produced by 31 December 2001, but no longer sold.
Yeah, it’s true, so it should be theoretical?
You certainly also have the original type approval, which shows that it is a small-powered scooter with a maximum speed of 50 km/h. If this vehicle had no longer been manufactured as intended, it should no longer be a miniature scooter.
For a scooter from BJ 2002 with 50 ccm / 50 KM/h, your driver’s license BF17 with integrated class AM is also sufficient if this vehicle was imported from Asia or the like into the EU with approval by the KBA for use in Germany via (DEUTSCHER) ABE.
This also applies to 50kmh..
But it is built in 2002, I can only drive the ones that are before the year 2002 and have 50kmh. All those who are after 31.12.2001 may have only 45kmh with the AM driving licence to drive them
Then you can do B196 or A1.