Was tun um besser malen zu können?
Mein Lieblingshobby ist malen aber kann nicht malen. Ich hoffe dieses Bild gefällt euch
Mein Lieblingshobby ist malen aber kann nicht malen. Ich hoffe dieses Bild gefällt euch
Moin. Bin nicht lange im game. Etwas falsch oder kann ich noch was verbessern? Danke im voraus 🤙🏽
Liebe Community, Ich möchte ein Maiherz selbst machen, habe noch nie eins gemacht. ich habe rotes und dunkelrotes Krepp und möchte zweifarbige Rosen drehen. Leider finde ich online keine Anleitung. Habt ihr Tipps? Eine Anleitung? Einen guten Link? Vielen Dank
Hi ich bin 15 Jahre alt und suche Mitglieder für eine AC/DC Coverband. Ich weiß nur nicht, wie ich mitglieder finde. In meinem Freundeskreis spielen nur wenige Instrumente und hören nicht gerne AC/DC. Wenn jemand noch Tipps hat würde ich mich über diese sehr freuen. Danke und viele Grüße, Fafa
Das ist mit Öl auf holz
Once more, just as it is fun for you 😄😁 I think the picture is quite good, it somehow has its own style. Maybe you can paint a really complex picture in the style where something is going on everywhere so you have fun exploring the picture. Otherwise, just try things. Drawing doesn’t have to be realistic, this is often boring. 😉😅
I can advise you to paint with crayons as far as I can see that you painted with felt pencils, right? Maybe you can ask friends if they can help you.
Coloring courses would also be an option. And what no one comes around is practicing. I’ve been painting for a long time and I have thought out and noticed various techniques and tricks over time. For example, I (when I also paint canvases) have made various tricks for color and appearance. For example, with crepe tape or something. I’ve also developed my own style. What I’m saying is you should find out what’s up to you. So you’re more on acrylic colors, oil colors, bint pencils, or just pencil? For example, I mainly paint sunrises and sunsets. What do you think? Landscapes? Seas? Animals? People? Or silhouettes on a tree?
Just try out and then I can promise you if you continue to practice and paint that you will be better with time.
I hope I could help you.
The picture looks cool^^
The more and more you paint, the better you will eventually become:)
If you stay on it and continue to have so much fun, it will be:) 👍
Have fun and luck!^^
practicing helps.
MORE VIEL helps to practice.
not just paint, but paint what you see, not what you remember.
who has an account here should be out of the dash male phase.
Look at lernvidios to ask friends who can draw well and document characters courses that helps always and naturally practice w14
How do you find the picture?
This depends on your age
‘> My favorite hobby is painting but can’t paint.
This is unmistakable.
Maybe you could keep up with a course like that.
I wish you good luck!
I can recommend videos from Bob Ross – these are really perfect
However, as a beginner, you should also use Bob Ross products – and indeed all products
I still know Bob Ross from old Tv radiations. Isn’t that very good for cunts?
How was the picture good or bad?
To paint better, you need to learn better. Learn to see what it looks like. Not as you understood.
Maybe paint for longer means to deal with what you want to paint and how you can do it that it looks good earlier could not help paint tutorials also meanwhile I can paint relatively well but how to say so beautiful practice makes the master 😉
How did you find the picture?