Was tun nach den Sonderfahrten?

hey, Ich mache grade meinen Führerschein sein mittlerweile fast 1 Jahr, ich habe im August mit meinen Fahrstunden begonnen und im Oktober meine Theorieprüfung bestanden. Letzte Woche hatte ich endlich meine Sonderfahrten und hab sie jetzt alle fertig. Das Problem liegt dabei das ich meinen Führerschein schon diese Weihnachten brauche für Arbeit,Umzug etc, und ich weiß nicht wie lange und was ich noch alles machen muss, weil doch eigentlich sie Sonderfahrten zum Schluss der Ausbildung kommen. Wie lange hat es bei euch nach den Sonderfahrten zur Prüfung gedauert?

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2 years ago

Not for long, with I made it at a time when you had received the exam date within 2-3 weeks. At the moment you are waiting much longer. For example, at the end of July I had the last special trip and mid-August exam. At the C/CE the 2 exam was about a month after the last special trip and the CE was then another 2 weeks later.

2 years ago

I already had driving license A1 and T.

Just used the special drives and a few “normal” driving hours for B.

After the special trips about three weeks, if I still have this right on the screen.

Whether you’re fit to check, the driving instructor decides.

2 years ago

Many driving schools and Tüv places are overloaded .. and it depends on how well you are driving.

It’s a misbelief that it goes straight after the special trips.

Talk to your FL what he thinks how long it takes, ask if your desire can be realized.

Usually it takes 1 to 4 weeks..

2 years ago

You’ll have to talk to your instructor. You may need to repeat your theory if it took too long.

With me it was from the first theory lesson to the practical about 4 months without having another FS

2 years ago

You have to deal with your instructor. He’ll tell you if you need more driving hours and if an exam can take place before Christmas.

2 years ago

Why don’t you ask your teacher if he thinks you’re ready, here you’ll also get info on what you need to do! Ultimately, however, it is also your fault to need almost 1 year and now it should suddenly go fast.

2 years ago

Not long, just talk to your driving instructor, they are usually so cunning that they take your wishes into account.

2 years ago

You have to ask your driving school. Here, no one can know when they will register you for the driving test.