Was tun nach Bad Trip von Joint?

Moin, ich habe schon öfters gekifft, immer paar züge genommen, aber nie etwas dabei gespürt, selbst wenn ich davor getrunkten hatte (Macht das bloß nicht sag ich euch). heute Nacht war es auf einmal anders, beim dritten zug merke ich, es geht los. Ich hab nach nem kurzen super high sein gespürt, dass sich das zu nem Bad Trip entwickelt. Es war richtig richtig schlimm.
Bin wieder zu hause, hab natürlich geschlafen, aber ich spüre immer noch so ein bisschen was von der Panik und bin super in mich gekehrt (schwierig zu beschreiben).
Was mache ich jetzt am besten, um runterzukommen?

PS: Bitte spart euch die Lehrenden Kommentare. Ja, ich hab meine Lektion gelernt, nie wieder Mischkonsum und langsamer und bedachter angehen. Ich bin einfach froh, dass dieser absolute Alptraum vorbei ist, mir gehts jetzt nur darum, wie ich jetzt komplett klarkommen kann, weil ein wenig davon spüre ich wie gesagt noch. Vielleicht habt ihr paar Tipps.
Danke euch

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6 months ago

you have to make nix, sleep again 1.2 days and this is gone

6 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

and remember ALL is pure psychic, you talk to yourself, you’re scared, you’re also

6 months ago

And when I started it, we were always on the schoolyard, as we had with each person Paranoia they were cops;D

6 months ago

Can happen in mixed use with alcohol, you just have to try to feel this bath trip as horny then it also pushes really horny, best so good Voddi and then still so 3-5 hasch joints maybe you cook for an hour but after that you are so good and also hardly Kater

6 months ago

Had it like that last night, was about to choose the emergency call. Never again, as I felt exactly, I can’t say, except that I’ve tasted so much, that didn’t come out any more.

We’ll give us a few more days and keep away from it. Then it will. I’m just a little vicious

6 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

For me, it felt as if I fall into an infinitely long black hole and I was pressed from every side

Had the feeling I’m being sucked to the back and the black hole is a very good description. Thank you.

10 meters in front of us was the river and I also had the worst panic in my head, that my mind was completely crazy, I somehow managed to get into the river and drown

There was no water with us. But had bad heartaches, forgotten to breathe and arms and legs have tingled. Couldn’t move me and kept my eyes closed.

And the others at the party make kind of talk…

We’ll wait. Can you send me a friendship request and can then exchange us even further?

6 months ago

Jepp was an experience, but now I know “NIE WIEDER”

6 months ago

Boah krass, then we have really experienced the same thing. I couldn’t open my eyes either. I tried it more often and it was really weird. It’s just cracked everywhere. I also hang completely on half 8. If I had left my head upright, I was really bad again and had to pay more.

I also had the creeping, especially at the beginning and this morning, but I mean that’s normal.

Then we felt very equal.

How were the first moments of noise? Because I was the first 15sec or really horny.

At first, it was really cool, had previously drunk at the funnel and then took 2 heads from the bong. Had the first 20 minutes really only laughed with a mate, we really couldn’t stop talking like “they’re probably the right Talahons” and when they came we started laughing and there was 20 minutes. I felt cramped in the face I could only laugh.

I felt like I was hovering, and I just sat with open mouth because I was as flashed as it feels.

I can confirm that. That’s how I’ve never felt before and laughed like that.

Then everything was black and yes, the rest knew yes.

I really didn’t get it. It’s nothing. My eyes are bad to us when I opened them I got bad when I lifted my head I got such a push and I fell back. And I’m very scared.

Then I almost blew everyone on the lap.

6 months ago

It helped me stop the ciff. Easy.

6 months ago

I’ve been practicing this for years, and I’m a little envious that you’re just in phase. Here, however, another way of dealing with it is necessary. You can strengthen your trust here, in which you can give up what will always feel like dying in the next time. It is important to remain vulnerable and to give the discomfort space to penetrate you. And maybe at the end of the line you hear something like angels who see that you are willing to believe to become a lighthouse in the night out of yourself. And that is ironic… imagine outside this bladder for fear is a fabric of love and the opportunity to allow you to choose it in oblivion.

Well, it’s at least not a party drug for you, but a therapeutic drug. You must be aware of that. And… you’re not going to go on when you’re going through 😅

6 months ago

Maybe you have some tips.

Never alcohol to cannabis.

As a little experienced consumer, you should not take more than one, two trains. Then you wait 20 minutes, whether and what high is set. If it’s too weak, you can take another train.

Basic rules of cannabis use:

  1. dose sola facit venenum
  2. Start low and go slow.