Was tun mit Salat?
Servus Freunde, aus den ganzen Gemüsevorräten der solidariachen Landwirtschaft habe ich noch sehr viel Salat über, der grauenvoll schmeckt, was kann man damit noch machen? Irgendeinen Auflauf oder Kuchen vielleicht? Was empfiehlt ihr da?
chicoree and radiccio tastes excellent when you taste it in the pan.
then it loses its bitterness, but still remains a bit crisp. is, by the way, not an salate, but “winter vegetables”.
with carrots and some chop meats and as a supplement bratkartoffeln.
If the chicory is – I don’t like it especially. However, it is possible to make a difference, e.g., a run-up:
Or a salad with oranges and carrots:
Maybe they’re giving a local farmer with cattle? If the salad is not moldy, it can certainly feed the pigs and chickens.
Chicoree can also be baked, with cheese or ham and cheese it tastes quite delicious.
or with tomato sauce
There are also numerous soup recipes:
Or you make Risotto, a run-up or cut him into stripes and mix him under a colorful panny…
Thanks for the interesting link to Chicoree baked with cheese and ham. I make it more common, but this recipe sounded even better than my previous one. I’ll try soon!
Uhmm, is the salad of silver….Dein TAG; only lacks antique:)
I don’t know who did this. But Antik is in now
YMMD…maybe porcelain and cutlery, somehow belongs to salad:)
Runs or wraps.
If the gray tastes then throw away
No, I can’t, from an ethical perspective
You mean