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Just laughing. Relax. You can also blaze them by revealing their stupidity publicly.
Thanks for the awards!
It probably won’t work for too long. LG
Put them in a tough situation so that she can expose herself.
Run against the wall. I’ll figure out how the boss reacts when she’s making crap.
They leave and wait until they fall on the snout.
Let the boss get right. Emergency trap.
They’ll handle everything themselves… they’ll see… stay cool and let them do it.
What’s the problem with that?
That she regularly represents me as a doof in front of customers, interferes in my conversations with others and, after four weeks, declares to anyone who does not want to hear it, I would have done everything wrong for eight years.
That’s hard. Very hard.
It hardly seems to be braked….
I’d make all the choices and then choose one.
You’re just giving very little information, so it’s hard to give advice here.
You know the closer circumstances, we don’t.
Is this all gonna be the chief days?
Do you even want to continue working there?
Should you focus on yourself and make it important?
Have you already announced internally and would you do it externally best?
Are there people who support you?
You see, you can really do the topic exactly and have many possibilities. As restricted communication as here… you can’t say anything because only you know the circumstances and your willingness. What does it help if we write our fingers here and then you sit behind your PC and think I would never do that… etc…