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3 months ago

intersect with a sharp knife,

neat with salt, cumin, and garlic,

and from in the oven with it (occasionally with soup or beer)

Sauerkraut, semmelknödel (SEMMELNKNÖDELN), straw seed (potato salad), green salad, or red ointment salad (red bete salad)

3 months ago

Perhaps then it would be the most sensible thing to buy a pig farm in the future. You can leave the fat naturally and use it for roast potatoes etc. But in principle, you don’t buy anything that you don’t want to have half anyway.

3 months ago


Narrow (from mid-high German) smalz; related to melting), including Sparkling (from mid-high German) smër; related to make), is extinct animal fat of highly viscousConsistency[1] a further processed Chestnuts, above all from Pigs and Goose, f

Schmalz self-made – Chef

Place flakes in a pot and leave them out in medium heat. In the meantime peel the apple and cut into small pieces. Pelle the onion and cut into small cubes. Now both to the liquid Narrow and simmer until apples and onions are slightly brown.

Schmalz nach Omas Art – Traditional bread spread and all-rounder in …

10. Jan. 2023This recipe shows you how to easily your own Narrow Manufacture as our grandmothers did. What this Narrow so special is the addition of onions and apples.

Omas Schmalz Recipe – Griebenschmalz easy to make yourself – sweet

A recipe for Narrow? That’s what’s going on here. A brief guide for a Narrow with/without grips and a plug-in beet-slotNarrow – Delicious!

Griebenschmalz – Making pork scarf yourself

Griebenschmalz: Here you will find a Bavarian recipe for pork malt with grapes to make with apple and onions.

Pigskin Make Yourself | Recipe –

You can use pork scarf great for baking and cooking. In our recipe, we will show you how to make pig malt yourself.

Narrow made yourself – Mama’s recipes

Griebenschmalz on a fresh bread simply tastes heavenly. These rustic rolls have it in themselves. Make butter scarf yourself. Just delicious.

Making Schmalz himself – so it goes – HELPSTER

To different types Narrow Self Manufacture to be able, the sieved Narrow additions and spices are now obtained in still warm, slightly liquid form. Season this Narrow basic with salt and some pepper. That’s it. Narrow still too hot, the flavors can be lost.

3 months ago

If you’re cutting this off, you shouldn’t buy a pig farm anymore in the future, but grab lean pieces.

Pig rind is wonderfully suitable for crust roasts whether it is unfilled as a lamb or filled with the fat emerging during the frying process can be used once cooled and used for frying potatoes or asl bread spread. It can also be cut into slices and roasted or grilled… or cut into pieces as meat insert to cook peas soup.

Pig food recipes | Chef

3 months ago

It can be fried as well as the lean meat

You can make it “leave” and fat to roast (for roast potatoes, for example)

Fat is the biggest taster in meat

3 months ago

If you bite that, it goes straight to the cardiac vessels. You should eat less.

3 months ago

S peck cubes for salad

3 months ago

to make it