Was tun gegen unerlaubtes Abstellen (Amazon, DPD)?

Seit einigen Monaten tun viele Zusteller, auffälligerweise Amazon und DPD, die Pakete einfach irgendwo abstellen ohne eine schriftlich erteilte Abstellgenehmigung der Empfänger.

Ein Paket von einem Nachbarn wurde im Erdgeschoss im kleinen Garten eines anderen Nachbarn entdeckt. Wäre der Nachbar kein ehrlicher Mensch, hätte er einfach das Paket behalten und nicht dem Empfänger gegeben. Hier wäre auch die Frage ob der Zusteller befugt war, das Grundstück von jemanden zu betreten, an dem er kein Paket zustellen musste.

Immer wieder werden Pakete gesichtet, die vor der Haustür des Wohnblocks oder im Flur stehen. Gerade eben auch wieder eines von DPD. Kein Empfänger hat eine Abstellgenehmigung erteilt.

Dass diese Pakete einfach geklaut werden können interessiert die Zusteller nicht. Und wenn ein Paket doch mal geklaut wird, dann muss man als Empfänger beweisen, dass es geklaut wurde. Ja, wie denn?

Was kann man tun, damit die Zusteller die Pakete nicht einfach so ohne Abstellgenehmigung irgendwo hinstellen?

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2 years ago

Hello Angel,

You can’t do much in yourself. Leave a note for the supplier at the latest during the ordering process, if possible. But even that is often not respected.

If the package is shut down at the end, that’s the way. If it is stolen, it is the fault of the delivery service, as it is from you. No have a parking permit. You can and must inform the seller that the package does not receive. This then lets the parcel service investigate. If the seller or parcel service is engaged in the tracking of the shipment, you will work to ensure that there is no parking permit and that the parcel service is liable for the loss. You will receive the money from the seller again or a new merchandise, and the seller will recover the money from the mail. If this happens more often, the postman will also like to change. :

The commercial seller and parcel service will be liable until you Personal hold the goods in your hands.

8 months ago
Reply to  Emaha

What if it was turned off (once again) I took it to me and now say it was never there?

7 months ago
Reply to  Emaha

That’s not true, I’ve stolen 2 out of 3 packages in a month and I never got my money retur

2 years ago


If you have not given a delivery permit for packages, the delivery agent must not just drop it somewhere. If he still does, he can be taken to regression.

Kind regards.

2 years ago

A DPD deliverer has my address “not found” according to tracking and then stood there “next delivery attempt tomorrow”. With us everything is angled and the navigation does not exactly indicate our road, but you could still find it when you drive around a little in our area. Then the next day I called the DPD Hotline and said if they can tell the DPD driver where I live. Then I had to explain the way our house looks, etc. and she wrote it down. The same day the package was in front of my door.

So just complain to DPD and call but in a friendly tone that on the phone can nix for the progenitor.

2 years ago
Reply to  questionjassi

The deliverer can’t help if he can’t find your house.

2 years ago
Reply to  1975Lars

Then he’ll take a look at the Navi and drive around in the area. GLS, Post, UPS and all have found it. Just having trouble with DPD weirdly.

2 years ago

Some drivers are just too stupid to find a house. Strangely, it’s always DPD.

2 years ago

Then you don’t just put the package off somewhere. I often order expensive things and if they were stolen, that would be bad.

2 years ago

You don’t have time to drive around and find yourself.

2 years ago

No recipient has granted a parking permit.

Then it’s not your problem, get packages off because they’re turned off, despite missing Approval, the parcel service is responsible for this.

If that happens, the sender can, according to my knowledge, make a request for research, in the final case the postman is delivered. The money will be refunded.

Regularly, no matter how often I complain to the post. If you just get away and there was no permission, the postman’s fault is his bad luck.

2 years ago

That’s not what recipients can do. They don’t have a contract with the pros. Problem of consignors. They’ll have to get the parcel services on their feet. We have the same problem here.

2 years ago

It is best if you are at home when the package arrives.

2 years ago
Reply to  AngelBritney

Yes that happened to me too!And with a HANDY even!Also simply without an ID check given to the neighbor….that were Meth Heads and thank God stood on the package nix mobile phones on it,but a relatively unknown company.I would never have received the package again….

2 years ago
Reply to  AngelBritney

It’s more like this. Yellow note in the box. Why doesn’t he ring?

2 years ago
Reply to  AngelBritney

Jepp. That’s what I know. The other day, I took the garbage out when the DHL man put a card in the mailbox that I was not hit and my address was not measurable. To my request to give me my package, it was revoked that it was not in the car, because I had not been hit. DHL logic.

2 years ago

You’re right. I used to complain to a prostitute. I don’t know if he got me on, but that sounded very plausible. After that he had to drive with his own car and received a total of 30 cents per delivery (e.g. straw shot or 7th floor). And he had to control it. Subcontractors. A clear case for an island persistence – but that doesn’t matter. Of course he throws the parcels through the area. It’s all gone. But not good.

2 years ago

I find your adjustment great. And of course it’s a dirty job.

2 years ago
  • Easy to be home
  • Easy order directly to the parcel shop and pick up there
  • Easy do not order

Could everything be simple be, right?

2 years ago
Reply to  DasGespenst

You’re pretty easy.

Can the customer have something for the laziness of some delivery?

2 years ago
Reply to  LieberBonner

This is probably such a one that hoks without technology in an aluminum-cloth and eats only leaves….🤔

2 years ago
Reply to  DasGespenst

What is this life??? Why should I live like in the Middle Ages,2023??? Would you like to send me drones? Best 3 times a week!!!😂This makes SPASS,damn it!Du Borweiler

2 years ago

🤣 Or something.