Was tun gegen Periodenschmerzen (ohne Schmerzmittel)?
Könnt ihr mir sagen was man gegen Bauch- bzw. Periodenschmerzen machen kann? Also wenn man keine Schmerztabletten oder Wärmeflasche hat (btw ich persönlich hab Tabletten und so aber würde gerne wissen wie man diese Schmerzen auch ohne Schmerzmittel wegbekommen/leichter machen kann)
danke 🙂
It depends very much on the intensity of the pain. Depending on the person can e.g. B. either help light movement or physical rest. It can help pull the legs to the chest. A hot bath or a hot shower. It may also be that certain hygiene products make it worse, for example tampons or the cup. In some cases, the increased pain triggers. What can also help are teas, the right diet or magnesium. They’re just a few things.
Hello Monika,
Heat plasters, cherry kernel cushions and magnesium tablets are also available at dm or Rossmann in the medical department, warm bottles in the baby department tomorrow.
In all the greatest need, even very hot wet towels or Washing lobes. Attention ⚠️ Inflammation hazard. No boiling water grazing!!! So on holiday in the Pampa, at least once survived the night. Otherwise you can try it with a hot shower and certain exercises. Try to find an almost erratic position, for some it is standing, lying, sitting, tailor’s seat or or or… and dress up something comfortable.
Hope I could help:)
LG Karoline
Magnesium and Vitamin C. Are you in the Pharmacy
Helps sports
So I only have painkillers. 🤷
I’ll buy herds in the pharmacy and make you a tea.